Regular Meeting of the Library Board, January 14, 2025
**canceled for lack of quorum
Rescheduled Meeting of the Library Board, January 21, 2025
**canceled for lack of quorum
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, January 14, 2025
Community Services
Adult displays: ‘Tis the Season for Reading, Christmas Movies, Holly Jolly Christmas Activities. Children’s displays: Reading is a Gift, Christmas, Friends & Family, Let It Snow. Teen displays Cozy up to a Romance, Saw on TikTok.
Coordinator Amundsen spoke with the Dowagiac Chamber of Commerce about hosting an After Hours event at the library for their members. A date was set for Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7pm. She also began a dialogue with Timbers of Cass County about possible outreach visits for checkin/checkout to their patrons, along with a book club.
Continued collecting food and monetary donations for the Feed the Hungry campaign through 12/31.
Staff decorated the library for Christmas. Special “thank you” to Coordinator Watson and Associate Morrow for their work on the tree and garland displays.
Coordinator Watson took apart the computer table in the Teen Area to make room for new shelving from Library Design. ETA mid-late January for arrival and assembly of shelving.
Library closed early at 5:30pm Thursday, December 30 due to a power outage.
97700: $743.75 to Overdrive, Inc. for annual eMagazine subscription on the Libby app (4,000+ magazines).
97000: $1002.76 to Overdrive, Inc. for high demand eBooks & audios (covered by LLA grant).
· December 03 Adult Services Coordinator Amundsen attended the Canva Masterclass (marketing).
· December 12 Library Coordinator Watson and Director Weston met with representative of ADM to discuss how to provide our newspaper scans to the public remotely via the website.
· December 17 Youth Coordinator Valtierra setup Beanstack software for the library to facilitate and track Summer & Winter Reading programs, along with reading contests to be coordinated with Adult Services.
· Director Weston submitted his resignation to the Personnel Committee, effective April 11th, 2025, to give the Board time to find his replacement.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. and present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith, and Library Director Matt Weston. Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson and Kurt Reich were absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules and the motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for November 12, 2024: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for Approval of the Regular Board Meeting for November 12, 2024 and the motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Bob Weber from Woodlands addressed the Board with a request that the Library to be a Narcan distribution site for the community and he explained the product. The Board unanimously expressed interest in being a site and will explore the specifics of where/how to place a distribution box for Narcan outside the building.
Approval of the November Vouchers and Financial Review: Following a review of the vouchers and financials, Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the November Voucher and Financial Review and the motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Director Weston requested that the Library purchase a book repair machine for $1800 from Equipment Outlay and Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, and the motion unanimously carried. It was noted that the Library will reach out to the schools to help their libraries with book repairs.
Personnel: None.
Policy: The Board reviewed two updated policy recommendations regarding Patron Behavior and Study Room uses. Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for approval of the amendments to these policies and the motion unanimously carried.
Finance: Director Weston stated that the yearly audit should be ready in January 2025. Following a discussion, Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to move $1500 from expense line 95605 (lawyer fees) to line 87300 (staff professional development) and the motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: Director Weston updated the Board regarding current safety procedures for staff. It was noted that, due to the importance of having plans and procedures in place that all staff are familiar with, ‘safety training’ will be reviewed and/or update during the next Staff Development Day.
New Business: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, for the following Board positions a the motion unanimously carried. Positions will be as follows: Chair: Judy Lawrence, Vice-Chair: Mary AnnBengtsson, Treasure: Kurt Reich, Secretary: Kathryn Hayes. Committee positions will remain the same.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: January 14, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:00 p.m. and motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of December 10, 2024
Community Services
Adult displays: Native American Heritage, Cozy Books That Make You Cry, Hope Your Week Is Booked. Children’s displays: Native American Heritage Month, Fall Colors, Dinosaurs, Fall Into Reading, Thanksgiving, Best Read-a-Louds. Teen displays “1 Star Reviews”, New YA, Saw on TikTok.
The Ladies Library Association book sale set up in the Community Room of the library Nov 15-18, coinciding with the Dowagiac Christmas Open House Weekend, and was well-attended.
Jim Allen of Feed the Hungry picked up our food items. The library will continue to collect food donations and monetary contributions in December. The Dowagiac Fire Department picked up the Toys for Tots bin.
Carpets cleaned November 11 & 13 by Erick’s Carpet Cleaning.
Sloped roof replacement and gutter attachments completed week of November 15 by Hurrle & Sons, Inc.
Inside and exterior windows washed November 20 & 21 by Michigan’s Window Wizard.
87300: $750 to Midwest Collaborative for Library Services for staff training Oct 25 (Facing Outward)
93000: $1,233.14 to A-1 Mechanical for HVAC maintenance and inspection of corroded valve.
93000: $354.37 to A-1 Mechanical for replacement of corroded water heater valve & wall heater filters.
93100: $437.50 to A-1 Mechanical for clog in waste pipe (power off at storm & sewer crocks).
Adult Services Coordinator Amundsen hosted a meeting for Fandom Fest November 20 with other area libraries. The event will take place April 5, 2025 at Lake Michigan College.
Library Coordinator Watson started on various book repairs using techniques learned from training over the summer and fall.
Youth Coordinator Valtierra received the Ravensburger puzzle grant. Starting in February there will be a new puzzle each week for kids & teens.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. and present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith, and Library Director Matt Weston. Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson and Kurt Reich were absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules and the motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for October 8, 2024: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for Approval of the Regular Board Meeting for October 8, 2024 and the motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Sharron Ott from Blue Dart Art presented an overview of art projects, discussed options of how artwork can be hung / displayed, and offered suggestions for artwork that will be hung in the Library.
Approval of the October Vouchers and Financial Review: After the Board reviewed the Vouchers and Financials, Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the October Voucher and Financial Review and the motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Director Weston stated that the new shelving and additional signage should be in place by the end of the year. Director Weston discussed issues with two patrons that resulted in them being banned from the Library, one patron for one year and the other patron for 90 days. Director Weston also updated the Board regarding the installation of the new sloped roof.
Personnel: None.
Policy: None.
Finance: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: December 10, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:32 p.m. and motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of November 12, 2024
Community Services
Adult displays: Stephen King and other books to advertise Horror Prom, Books & Movies You Can Only Watch Once, Halloween Books. Children’s displays: Fall, Pumpkins, Spooky, Scary Stories, Monsters. YA displays: Witch Please, Scary Stories, Saw It On TikTok.
Special programming for adults included the Horror Prom with Beckwith Theatre Company-adults dressed up and watched the movie Carrie (50th Anniversary); Story Sketching Oct 12 & 26 with The Hobbit (video compilation on YouTube); Oct 25 Lecture on the Paranormal by the Michiana Paranormal Society; Yoga in the library Community Room Saturday morning, Oct 5.
-Sloped roof replacement scheduled for Nov 5th with contractor Hurrle & Sons.
-Door lock in Children’s restroom replaced by Coordinator Watson; light switch in Nonfiction replaced by Director Weston.
-Otis Elevator Co and Hi-Tech Electric came out to solve elevator issue.
-Cement/asphalt verge to main entrance painted for visibility by Director Weston.
91000: $7,134.00 to Decker Agency for annual Public Entity Insurance Policy (plus D&O)
91000: $865.00 to Accident Fund Insurance for annual workers’ compensation.
93000: $2,660.52 to Otis Elevator for annual elevator maintenance agreement.
Oct 15-18 Coordinators Watson and Amundsen attended the Michigan Library Association Conference in Traverse City. Attended various sessions and workshops, and toured the Traverse Area District Library.
Oct 25 staff training- “Facing Outward” with Jenny Kobiela-Mondor from MCLS.
Coordinator Valtierra had a library table at Justus Gage (Oct 23) and Patrick Hamilton (Oct 24) elementary schools during parent/teacher nights. She gave out information and signed up 14 patrons for library cards.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. and present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith, and Library Director Matt Weston. Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson and Kurt Reich were absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules and the motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for September 17, 2024: Judy Lawrence made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for Approval of the Regular Board Meeting and the Closed Session Minutes for September 17, 2024 and the motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: The Potawatomi Tribe presented a framed photograph to the Library with a traditional drum song by Jason Wesaw and a brief talk about the history of the photograph lead by Mike Winchester. Several Elders attended the presentation and the Library is grateful for their attendance and for this special gift.
Approval of the September Vouchers and Financial Review: After the Board reviewed the Vouchers and Financials, Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to move $30,000.00 to the Library’s MI Class account and the motion unanimously carried. Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the September Voucher and Financial Review.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The Board discussed price quotes for additional shelving and Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to purchase the units that will match the current shelves. The Board discussed the quotes for the Library slopped roof replacement project for the spring of 2025. Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to secure the quote from Hurrle and Sons, Inc. per the clarification of the kind of shingle that will be used and motion unanimously carried.
Personnel: Director Weston updated the Board regarding wage increases for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
Policy: None.
Finance: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the proposed 2025 Budget presented at the Regular Board Meeting of September 17, 2024 and the motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: None.
New Business: The Library will again participate in a Thanksgiving Food Drive.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: November 12, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:45 p.m. and motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of October 08, 2024
Community Services
Adult displays: Staff Picks, Banned Books, Hispanic Heritage Month, Jenna Reads. Children’s displays: Apples, Chicken Month, Pirates, Back to School. YA displays: 1st in Series, Dragons, Saw It on TikTok.
Special programming for adults included 80s Music Bingo and Hobbit Story Sketching (Community Room), Yoga (Pavilion), and author Tobin Buhk at Arclight Brewing (Watervliet).
New program: Adventures in Bookland, where children 6-8yrs discuss a chapter book that they’ve read while eating a healthy snack and making a craft! Adults: started displaying coloring sheets and stickers for adults to take (passive program).
Received two quotes for sloped roof replacement on the Carnegie side of the building.
Received quote from Library Design Associates for additional shelving in the 2nd floor Teen area.
Cement curb near handicapped parking on south side of building was replaced by JGrant Excavating.
87300: $870.00 to Michigan Library Association for (2) Annual Conference attendance & annual membership fees.
93100: $2,433.72 to A1 Refrigeration to replace VAV burnt contactors and connectors, and to work on RTU alarms and a leak from the CUs to the server room.
Director Weston met with department coordinators to discuss their self-evaluations and add his comments. Each coordinator set a goal and let the Director know what they’d need to accomplish it in the coming year.
9/4 Coordinators Valtierra and Amundsen met with the DUS Assistant Superintendent to discuss outreach to the schools and how the kids could earn credit for attending library activities. 9/16 Coordinator Amundsen attended the library cooperative Adult Programming Roundtable online.
9/11 Director Weston met with the Fandom Fest 2025 committee at Lincoln Twp Public Library, and had a planning meeting with the SW Michigan Reads committee online. 9/25 the Director and Coordinator Valtierra met with representatives from Library Design Assoc. to look at extra shelving in the Teen area.
9/26 Coordinator Watson and the Director interviewed a candidate from the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) who will be working 18 hours/week at the Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte; Board members Kaye Smith and Kurt Reich and Library Director Matt Weston were absent. Susan Watson joined the meeting.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to
approve the Agenda and Ground Rules; motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for August 13, 2024: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Judy Lawrence, for Approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes for August 13, 2024; motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Proposed Budget Hearing and Approval of Millage Rate for 2024-25: Mary Ann Bengtsson made motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to hold a Budget Hearing at 6:09 pm; motion unanimously carried. At this time the Board reviewed the current and proposed budgets for 2023-24 and 2024-25 and discussed revenues and expenditures. Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to return to the Regular Board Meeting; motion unanimously carried and the Budget Hearing ended at 6:21 pm.
Approval of the August Vouchers and Financial Review: After the Board reviewed the Vouchers and Financials, Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the August Vouchers and Financial Review; motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to go into a Closed Session at 6:38 pm for the purpose of discussing the Library Director’s yearly review; motion unanimously carried and Sue Watson left the room. At 7:20 pm Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to end the Closed Session and return to the Regular Board Meeting; motion unanimously carried and Sue Watson returned.
Policy: None.
Finance: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: October 8, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:28 p.m. and motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Closed Session Meeting Minutes
17 September 2024
During the Regular Board Meeting of 09/17/2024 Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to go into a Closed Meeting at 6:38 pm for the purpose of discussing Personnel: Director’s Evaluation and the motion unanimously carried. Board members Judy Lawrence, Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, and Janey Schulte attended the Closed Meeting.
At 7:20 pm Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to return to the Regular Board Meeting and motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of September 17, 2024
Community Services
Adult displays: Happiness Month, Beach Reads, Summer Scares, Read-a-Romance Month. Children’s displays: Once Upon a Crime, American Adventures, When You’re Bored, Music. YA displays: Saw It On TikTok, Read a Good Movie?.
Special programming included Murder in Margaritaland at Sister Lakes Brewery, STEAM for Tweens “Kindness Rocks” and “Blowing Up Peeps”, a Messytime Friday August 16 with the Director making an appearance for the 12 foot “egg drop”.
Music in the Park series (June 13-August 29) at the Library Pavilion ended with the Redbud Ramblers performing. The City of Dowagiac and Chamber of Commerce arrange this series with music each Thursday, at 7:30 pm, and food trucks available starting at 6:00 pm.
A1 Mechanical came out August 30 for a compressor failure, and to look at a leak in the mini-split that cools the Server Room.
87300: $435.00 to Michigan Library Association for two attendees to the Annual Conference.
88000: $324.00 to Night of Mystery, Inc. for Murder in Margaritaland murder mystery event hosting kits.
93100: $2,139.69 to A1 Mechanical for previous month’s overcooling problem & scheduled maintenance.
The Director reports that staff have done a wonderful job during his extended absences this summer for medical reasons. June and July were especially busy with visitors, the Summer Reading Program, and the variety of other programs available for all ages.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith, and Kurt Reich. Library Director Matt Weston was also present.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules; motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for July 9, 2024: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for Approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes for July 9, 2024; motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of the July Vouchers and Financial Review: After the Board reviewed the Vouchers and Financials, Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the July Vouchers and Financial Review; motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: Mary Ann Bengtsson distributed the Director’s Evaluation tool to all Board members and requested that they be completed/returned to her by September 3. She will compile the evaluations and the Board will review the results with Director Weston at the September Regular Board Meeting during an Executive Session.
Policy: None.
Finance: The Finance committee will meet on August 19 at 5:15 to review the budget.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: September 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. * Earlier time is to review the budget and the millage rate request.
Adjournment: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:02 p.m. and motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of August 13, 2024
Community Services
Adult displays: Ghost Stories for Summer, Anti-Boredom Month, Beach Reads, Mysteries. Children’s displays: Fruits & Veggie, LOL Jokes, Summer, Aliens, Transportation, Be Brave!, Kindness Matters, Shark Week, Smokey Bear. YA displays: Summer Reads/Hot Reads.
Special programming included Wizard of Oz Story Sketching (see YouTube- Blue Dart Art), Indiana Joel’s Magic Show & Bubble Party (with a special appearance by Dowagiac PD), STEAM for Tweens “Bite Out of Crime” and “Is It Blood?”, and Messytime including “Fizzy Chalk Fireworks” and “Flyswatter Painting”.
Coordinator Amundsen visited with representatives of the Beckwith Theater to discuss a ‘Horror Prom’ event in October for adults. Coordinator Valtierra and Page Crago handed out bags with crafts and marketing to the kids at Cass County Fair July 30th.
The Spice Club is in its second month and has featured Creole Seasoning & Herbs de Provence, with Bread Dipping Oil Seasoning planned for next month. Packet pickup is every 2nd Tuesday, signup at the Front Desk.
Midwest Glass fixed the exterior window in Study Room A on July 23rd and still appears to be fine.
A1 Mechanical came out June 25th & July 1st to fix and overcooling problem and July 4th for routine maintenance.
74000: $726.00 to Rainbow Printing for new library cards (1,500).
97800: $563.92 to Library Ideas for Vox Books, books for early readers with a built-in audio player.
99500: $549.99 to Vac World, Inc. for a new vacuum cleaner to replace old backup.
99500: $481.47 to Costco for Yourigami fort pillows in the Children’s Area (very popular!)
Rose Crago started as Page July 23rd. She will be a sophomore at DUS this year and is involved in the marching band. Welcome, Rose!
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
July 9, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Janey Schulte; Kathryn Hayes was present via Zoom (did not participate in any votes); Library Director Matt Weston was present; Board members Kaye Smith and Kurt Reich were absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: Mary Ann Bengtsson requested that the Board go into a Closed Session for the Agenda item Update on Medical Leave for Director and the Board unanimously concurred. Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the amended Agenda and Ground Rules whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for June 11, 2024: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for Approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes for June whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Chris VanHusan addressed the Board on behalf of the Dowagiac Ladies Library Board and presented a painting in memory of Linda Lorenz that will be put on display in honor of Linda’s years of dedication to the Dowagiac Library.
Approval of the June Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the June Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Janey Schulte, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The damaged exterior window of a Study Room will be replaced.
Personnel: None.
Policy: None.
Finance: Director Weston shared an updated pay scale matrix with the Board and a Finance Meeting will be scheduled. Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to move $1000.00 from line 74000 to line 88000 for Library activities, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: The Board unanimously concurred to defer the Chief Doe-Wah-Jack agenda item at this time.
New Business: Medical update for the Director: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to go into a Closed Session at 7:05 pm and motion carried. Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte to return to the Regular Board Meeting at 7:16 pm and motion carried.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: August 13, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:25 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of July 09, 2024
Community Services
Adult displays: Pride Month, Great Outdoors, Books to Movies, Reading Is An Adventure, Juneteenth; Children’s displays: Great Outdoors Month, The Beach, Welcome Summer, Father’s Day, Bugs, Juneteenth, Kindness/Friendship/Unity, Under the Ocean; Keep Cool, Pride Month; YA displays: Never Read, New YA, Saw It On Tik Tok.
Special programming included Wizard of Oz Storysketching, History of Southwest Michigan Wines, Women’s Self Defense Awareness, Yoga at the Pavilion, and children’s STEAM programs “Summer Break Escape Room” & “Fingerprints”.
Coordinators Amundsen and Valtierra distributed hundreds of Summer Programming flyers via D.U.S. to elementary schools, and 125 SRP “passports” to students in the Reading is FUNdamental program. Joined local FB groups to share events, and sent out press releases to Daily News, Herald Palladium, SB Tribune, and local PBS station.
Specialist Kaniuga setup a rewards program for elementary students that attend STEAM programs. Coordinator Amundsen presented the idea to DUS and they would like to implement it in September.
Received quote from Midwest Glass for $825.00 to replace broken exterior window in Study Room A.
Community organizations held events at the library Pavilion in June- a Recovery Revival (1st), Cass County Pride Fest (8th), and Music in the Park (Thursdays starting 13th). Library programming at the Pavilion included Friday Messytimes and Tuesday Storytimes (weather permitting).
97700: $3,765.00 to Book Systems for library’s Integrated Library System (ILS).
MI CLASS investment earnings for June were $3,442.74
June 27th Delayna Morrow started as a Patron Services Associate. She has a Bachelor of Arts in History from Siena Heights University, as well as a Certificate of Museum Studies. Welcome, Delayna!
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes**EARLY MEETING 5:30**
June 11, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kaye Smith; Kurt Reich; Library Director Matt Weston was present; Board members Janey Schulte and Kathryn Hayes absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for May 14, 2024: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes for May 14, 2024, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment:
Local resident Brandon Rapp addressed the Board with concerns over the Round Oak Stove “Chief Doe-Wah-Jack” painting hanging in the Local History Room, that it was culturally insensitive and a negative stereotype of the Potawatomie people.
The Ladies Library Association submitted a proposal for approval. The Board unanimously decided to allow a painting to hang in the library, in honor of former member of the Association, Linda Lorenz. Exact location TBD.
Close Meeting Session: A motion was made to go into closed meeting session by Mary Ann Bengtsson at 5:40 p.m., seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon the motion unanimously carred. Kurt Reich made a motion to conclude closed session, seconded by Kaye Smith, at 6:30 p.m.
Approval of the April Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the April Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: None.
Policy: None.
Finance: Director Weston reported on the general investment fund with MI CLASS.
Old Business: The Board unanimously concurred to continue to table a vote regarding keeping or removing the Chief Doe-Wah-Jack painting in the Local History Room.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: July 09, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Mary Ann made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for the meeting to be adjourned at
7:02 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of June 11, 2024
Community Services
Adult displays included Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month, Memorial Day Veteran's Display, Save Money at the Library, 'Reese's Book Club' Picks, Decades-Books released in the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. Children’s displays When I Grow Up (jobs), Pet Month, Mother’s Day, Mother Goose Day, April Showers (flowers), Inventor’s Month, Caterpillars & Butterflies. YA displays International Harry Potter Day, AAPI Month.
10 patrons took shelter with staff in the library basement during the May 7th tornado.
Summer preparations completed for reading program (SRP) June 16th-August 24th. Coordinator Amundsen created flyers given to DUS for distribution to students, and a media kit prepared for the Daily News and other outlets. Worked with Coordinator Watson to meet with DUS Assistant Superintendent to promote summer reading with students and the migrant program. Coordinator Valtierra worked with Preferred Printing to create summer ‘passports’ and lexile specific reading lists for ages 0-12th grade, and worked with the elementary schools to distribute passports and promote summer reading.
Associate Kaniuga and Coordinator Amundsen working with DUS to promote library STEAM programming in the fall, where students will earn ‘Hero’ points for attending the programs. Coordinator Valtierra hosted a Storywalk program with Heritage Southwest as part of storytime May 28th.
Something shattered the outside window in Study Room A either evening of May 22nd or early morning the 23rd. Midwest Glass has been out to measure and will let us know when they have a replacement.
Ryan Fireprotection, Inc. checked all sprinkler and backflow, extinguishers, and added one fire extinguisher to
88000: $990.00 to Joel Tacey’s Tiptop Entertainment for Magic Show & Bubble Dance Party (July 16th)
MI CLASS investment earned $2,741.43 from May 8th- May 31st.
May 8th Library closed all day and half of May 9th for staff training in Atriuum, our new Integrated Library System (ILS).
May 10 Coordinator Watson attended a book repair workshop at the Otsego District Public Library.
May 10 Youth Coordinator Valtierra attended the Youth Roundtable meeting at Webster Memorial Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith; Kathryn Hayes was present via Zoom (did not participate in any votes); Library Director Matt Weston was present; Board member Kurt Reich was absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for April 16 and April 30, 2024: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes for April 16, 2024 and the Special Board Meeting Minutes for
April 30, 2024, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Local residents from the Pokagon Band Julie Dye, Brandon Rapp, and resident Jane Wilson addressed the Board with their concerns over the Round Oak Stove “Chief Doe-Wah-Jack” painting hanging in the Local History Room, that it was culturally insensitive and could cause harm to children. Resident of the Pokagon Band Michael Winchester addressed the Board with concerns that the removal of the painting would only be the start of removal of all items offensive to some, and he offered to donate a 1920s picture of Pokagon Band members as context to the painting.
Approval of the April Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the April Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Kaye Smith, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: None.
Policy: None.
Finance: Director Weston reported on the general investment fund with MI CLASS.
Old Business: The Board unanimously concurred to table a vote regarding keeping or removing the Chief Doe-Wah- Jack painting at this times.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: June 11, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for the meeting to be adjourned at
7:42 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of May 14, 2024
Community Services
Displays for adults in April included Short Story Spring, April Is Poetry Month, First in a Series; for kids Happy Easter, National Gardening Month, National Poetry Month, Wildlife, Pooper-Scooper Day, Bunnies & Rabbits, Frogs, Smokey Bear, April Fool’s Day, Earth Day & Arbor Day; for young adults April Showers, and Saw It On TikTok.
38 patrons stayed for the Solar Eclipse event (500 glasses given away). We celebrated National Library Week (Apr 8-13th) with “My Favorite Book” discussion Tuesday morning, and outdoor games Thursday evening; Baker’s Rhapsody featured a special Library Week drink and said they did “very well” with it, offering customers extra points for purchasing.
The Library represented itself in two regional events, Fandom Fest in Benton Harbor (Apr 20) and the SW Michigan Writers Conference in Niles (Apr 27). Fandom Fest drew 400 patrons from three states (13 Dowagiac), and the Writers Conference 54 participants (2 Dowagiac). The Pokagon Band held a “Spring Into Your Library” scavenger hunt for kids (14) that started and ended in the Pokagon Room.
Greenway Quality Lawn Care weeded and started weekly mowing & trimming this month.
93100: $78.85 to Spring Green for one application of weed & feed (cancelled future).
95605: $122.50 & $171.50 to Foster Swift for legal work pertaining to unexpended Bond and continuing disclosure (EMMA) questions.
$775,000 from 1st Source operations to MI CLASS investment: account setup Apr 30-May 06, transfer May 07, active May 08, May 13=$775,684.14
Apr 19 Coordinator Amundsen attended the Southwest Michigan Library Programming Showcase for Adults to learn about new programming ideas for the summer and fall.
Apr 25 Director Weston attended the Southwest Michigan Library Cooperative Advisory Council meeting at the Hartford Public Library (Vanderlyn Community Center).
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Special Board Meeting Minutes
April 30, 2024
Call to order: Vice Chair Mary Ann Bengtsson called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Also present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith; Library Director Matt Weston was present; Board members Judy Lawrence, Kurt Reich, and Kathryn Hayes were absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kaye Smith, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None
Director’s Report: Director Weston reviewed information with the Board about the Michigan Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System (MI CLASS).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None
Personnel: None
Policy: A motion to amend the library Investment Policy to include “Local Government Investment Pools” under the List of Authorized Investments was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Finance: A motion to invest available funds into MI CLASS was made by Kaye Smith, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
A motion to consolidate existing checking and savings accounts was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: May 14th, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for the meeting to be adjourned at 6:45 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2024
Call to order: Vice Chair Mary Ann Bengtsson called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Present were Board members Judy Lawrence, Mitch Billingham, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith; Kathryn Hayes was absent; Library Director Matt Weston was present.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for February 13, 2024: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, to approve the March 12, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Brian Hake, auditor from the firm Kruggel Lawton, reviewed the library audit for fiscal year 2022-23. Revenues exceeded expenditures by $37,255. Copies of the audit will be sent to the library, one of which will be available for the public at the Circulation Desk.
Approval of the February Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the February Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached). Director Weston reported that the library will be closed all day May 8th, and half the day May 9th for staff training on the new Atriuum integrated library system (ILS). Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to accept the report.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The Board and Director discussed a timeline for replacing the old roof on the original building that was not part of the renovation and construction project.
Personnel: Due to the addition of Technical Services responsibilities for the Library Coordinator, Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to increase the salary of the Coordinator to the mid-range of the library salary scale for that position.
Policy: None
Finance: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to amend the budget by moving $2,000 from 71600 Insurance to 93050 Computer Maintenance.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: May 14th, 2024 at 6:30pm.
Adjournment: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:30 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of April 16, 2024
Community Services
Displays for March included National Pig Day, Women's History Month, "March" to the Beat of Your Own Drum, St. Patrick's Day, March "Mad"ness, Feeling Lucky (youth); National Poetry Month, If You Liked…You Might Like, Popular Authors, Vacation Gone Wrong, and Women’s History Month (adults).
Adult Services Coordinator Amundsen set up an email newsletter delivery service and had 131 patrons open the newsletter. The library can send 2 more newsletters before having to subscribe to the service (via our Squarespace website vendor).
Three tax volunteers (IRS VITA program) met with patrons on Saturdays, Mar 9th and 23rd. There was more demand than time slots available, the limiting factor being the number of volunteers available.
Coordinator Watson worked with the Xerox technician to resolve significant issues with the patron copier, and set up an account for ordering parts as needed in the future.
Carpets cleaned Mar 18 & 20th by Erick’s Carpet Cleaning (after hours). Windows cleaned Mar 21st by Michigan’s Window Wizard.
93100: $3,289.88 to A1 Mechanical to replace VAV sensors, transducer, and smoke alarm.
Huntington Bond Money $414,265.63 ($310,000 principal &104,265.63interest) paid from acct#5393, and $500.00 transfer fee.
Mar 6th Coordinator Watson and Director Weston had a conference call with the new ILS vendor, Atriuum, to discuss specifics of patron and item record uploading procedures, and set staff training dates (May 8th, all day, and May 9th, half day).
Youth Services Assistant, LaMaya Davis, started part-time Mar 19th. Welcome, LaMaya!
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes, March 12, 2024
Call to order: Vice Chair Mary Ann Bengtsson called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith; Kathryn Hayes was present via Zoom (did not participate in any votes); Library Director Matt Weston was present; Board member Judy Lawrence was absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for February 13, 2024: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, to approve the February 13, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Patron Services Associate Kaniuga was introduced and gave a brief overview of her background and some of the activities she’s been doing at the Library.
Approval of the February Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the February Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Director Weston expressed the need for ten additional chairs and presented a quote from Krueger International and stated that the funds would come from Capital Outlay for Equipment from the Building Expansion Budget. Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the purchase of ten chairs whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Personnel: Director Weston stated that the Library continues to look for a Youth Services Assistant.
Policy: Director Weston requested that the Policy Committee review the current Library Mission Statement. The Committee will meet at a later date to discuss proposed changes to the wording.
Finance: Director Weston reviewed the expiration dates and current pay rates of the Library’s bank CDs.
Old Business: The Library’s Reorganization Plan is on hold until open positions are filled per Director Weston.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: April 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. (*Early time due to the Yearly Audit Review)
Adjournment: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:37 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of March 12, 2024
Community Services
The MSU Vaccine Project had a table in the vestibule of the main entrance Tuesday morning, Feb 13th with information about vaccinations for children and adults. Free SWAG was available, including special ‘virus’ plushies for anyone who stopped for information.
During the Ice Festival Feb 3rd , from 10am-2pm in the Community Room of the library there were hot drinks, take and make crafts (75 taken, 54 made onsite), and special art instruction from Ott Art using “Storysketching” fairy tale themes (143 attendees).
For adults we had Trivia Night! at the Wounded Minnow, Wednesday, Feb 7th 7-9m. Feb 19th filmmaker and historian Craig Dudnick presented the Civil Rights documentary, Alice’s Ordinary People, with a Q & A at the end (9 attendees). Feb 24th (10-2) VITA tax volunteers worked with clients in the Community Room. They will meet here two Saturdays in March, as well.
Current community art wall “Gardens & Grounds”: five works painted by various artists of the Newton House & grounds, Cass County.
MI Works! volunteer Perez has spent 39 hours providing supplementary custodial duties.
92000: $170.39 to Semco Energy & $2,006.19 to City of Dowagiac for February utilities.
95606: $4,000.00 to Kruggel, Lawton, & Co. for auditing services (not to exceed $8,600).
Huntington CD #8119: $414,266 to be transferred to acct #5393 upon maturity 03/20/24.
Feb 27th Adult Services Coordinator Amundsen attended online “Marketing Training” facilitated by the Southwest Michigan Library Cooperative.
Feb 29th Library Coordinator Watson attended “We Love Libraries!” hotspot lending program from TechSoup and Mobile Beacon.
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library, Regular Board Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Also present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith; Kathryn Hayes and Kurt Reich were present via conference call (did not participate in any votes); Library Director Matt Weston was present; Board member Mary Ann Bengtsson was absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for January 9, 2024: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Judy Lawrence, to approve the January 9, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Brandon Rapp and Julie Dye both addressed their concern for a Round Oak Stove picture of a Native American and felt it is culturally insensitive. The “Reconsideration of Material” form has been filled out and submitted to the Director and his response will be forthcoming.
Approval of the January Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the January Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Kaye Smith, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon said motion unanimously carried. It was noted that Director Weston will explore current interest rates for CDs.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Director Weston gave a short overview of the State Aid Report/Statistical Highlights.
Personnel: Director Weston stated that a new Youth Services Assistant has been hired.
Policy: None.
Finance: Director Weston stated that a date for the Library Audit has yet to be determined.
Old Business: It was discussed that the dedication of the new Local History plaque will be in the spring.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: March 12, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:26
p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of February 13, 2024
Community Services
Winter Reading started Jan 2nd with weekly gift cards for adults, teens, and kids. Participants completed bingo sheets (5 in a row) of books read and library activities completed to be eligible for the drawings.
Children’s Displays for January: Winter Weather, Arctic Animals, Nursery Rhymes, Birds, Space, Winter Blues, Around the World, Friendship, Kindness Matters, MLK Day. Young Adult Displays: “Turning 10” (books from 2014), Best of 2023, “Saw It on TikTok”--Winter Reading Program Picks for Kids & Teens.
Adult Displays: “Back to the “80s”, Warm Weather Books, Best of 2023, “New Year, New Goals”.
Jan 10th Apothica Teas presented a tea tasting program for patrons with “…samples of pu'er, black, oolong, green, and white teas for you to see, sample, and discuss”. The Michiana Paranormal Society ghost hunting presentation was cancelled Jan 13th due to inclement weather and rescheduled for March 16th.
Ordered 2 lock sets for $275.00 from SA Morman for broken lock on 2nd floor bathroom door (1 backup set). Custodian Larzelere and Coordinator Watson replaced the lock via remote consultation with the company.
Inclement weather closings: Friday Jan 12th at 4pm, all day Saturday 13th, and Monday 22nd at 4pm.
80200: $162.79 to LRS (was Michiana) for quarterly garbage and recycling for 3 weekly bin pickup.
97700: $4,000.00 to Overdrive, Inc. for 2023-24 eBook/audio platform and purchases.
Jan 16th Coordinator Amundsen attended a Michigan PR Group online meeting, where they discussed Summer Reading promotion ideas for adults and children.
Jan 18th Coordinator Watson met with representatives from VITA tax assistance volunteers to schedule Community Room dates and setup.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2024
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes via conference call (did not participate in any votes), Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith, and Library Director Matt Weston; Board members Kurt Reich was absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for December 19, 2024: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the December 19, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of the December Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the December Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: Director Weston updated the Board on new hires and one resignation. Director Weston also discussed ideas for restructuring the Library’s organizational model as new technology features will be introduced and adopted in the near future.
Policy: None.
Finance: Director Weston reported that the Library is exploring a “Library of Things” (LoT) which would be items available for checkout. He foresees a budget of $500-$1000 to implement the program. Director Weston reported that the Library’s yearly audit was pushed back due to accounting personnel changes.
Old Business: Director Weston discussed the placement and dedication of new plaques giving recognition to Library staff and projects.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: February 13, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:30 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of January 09, 2024
Community Services
Dec 7th Coordinator Valtierra met with the representative of a local homeschooling group to plan a nature themed storytime and craft for Dec 20th (11 attended).
Associate Kaniuga has been running a bi-weekly STEAM for Tweens science-based activities program for ages 8-12. Dec 6th involved “Cookie Mining” (cost management skills), and Dec 20th they learned about the chemical composition of “Candy Cane Slime”.
Children/Teen Displays-Arctic Animals, Let it Snow, Award Winners, Get Well Soon, Winter Blues, Holiday Books, “Cookies”, Friends and Family, Crafts, Christmas, Winter Colors, Cozy up with a Romantic Read (YA), “Gifts”, “#1 in Series” Graphic Novels. Adult displays: Holiday Books, Memoirs, Best of 2023, Holiday Movies.
--Dec 20th SA Mormon rep looked at the front door not latching and recommended expanding the bottom bolt hole, called Elmer’s Locksmith they came out and did it that afternoon.
--Volunteer from MI Works! wiped down base boards, tile walls, and dusted throughout the building.
--Dec 28th LookSharp! installed the building expansion/renovation and Local History plaques.
93050: $11,297.97 to EdgeIT for July-November 2023 services including annual server and SonicWall.
95606: $1,250.00 to Kruggel Lawton for annual auditing services.
Dec 19th a representative from MERS (retirement) presented an overview of the retirement plan and answered questions for the 3 current employees enrolled.
Dec 20th Director Weston met with representatives of OutCenter Southwest Michigan to plan a Banned Book Club meeting at the Library, February 8th,in the Community Room (6pm).
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2023
NOTE: The Regular Board Meeting for December 12, 2023 was rescheduled to December 19, 2023 due to lack of a quorum.
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes via conference call (did not participate in any votes), Janey Schulte, and Library Director Matt Weston; Board members Kurt Reich and Kaye Smith were absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of the Minutes for November 14, 2023: Judy Lawrence made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the November 14, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of the November Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the November Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: None.
Policy: The Board reviewed the proposed updates to the Patron Behavior (will delete #3) and Child Safety Policies and the new 3D Printer Policy and unanimously agreed with the updates to be implemented.
Finance: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: January 9, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:14 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of December 12, 2023
Community Services
Children’s displays: Best books to read aloud; Thanksgiving; Cats; Hibernation; Friends & Family; Native American Heritage; Dinosaurs; Crowns (Prince/Princess/King/etc); Dragons; Fall Colors; Voting; Elections; Government; “Fall Vibes”; 1st in a Series (YA FIC); Winter Colors (YA FIC). Adults: Native American Heritage Month; “Cozy Fall”; Nonfiction November.
The Ladies Library Association hosted their annual Fall Book Sale (Nov 10-13), coinciding with the Chamber of Commerce Christmas Open House Weekend.
Nov 16th was the first meeting of the Heated Tropes Book Club (3rd Thursdays). Tween STEAM programming (2 Wednesdays/month) started in the Pokagon Room, which has included Halloween CSI (Nov 1st) and Phases of the Moon (Nov 15th).
Nov 9th Elmer’s Locksmith keyed the locks on the Pokagon Room and SPARK! sliding doors.
Nov 15th Director Weston met with the building risk controller from the Michigan Township Par Plan.
Nov 28th the Decorating Committee put up the decorations for the holiday season.
93100: $1,955.00 to New Leaf Landscape Services for previous winter’s salting, shoveling, and plowing.
95606: $500.00 to Kruggel Lawton for first charge on annual auditing services.
97700: $997.05 to Bibliotheca quarterly charge for pay-per-use eBooks and downloadable audiobooks.
Nov 1st the library closed for the morning for MCLS training workshop- Resiliency, with Jenny Kobiela-Mondor.
Director Weston hired full-time Youth Services Coordinator Katie Valtierra, who started December 4th and will be supervising the Youth Assistant (position currently vacant).
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2023
NOTE: The Regular Board Meeting for November 14, 2023 was rescheduled to November 21, 2023 due to lack of a quorum.
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes via conference call (did not participate in any votes), Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith, and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Kurt Reich was absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of the October Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the October Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: Upon review of the contract for the full-time Youth Services Coordinator, Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to pay $100.00 per pay period for waiving the medical insurance benefit (excluding vision/dental) whereupon said motion unanimously passed. The new Youth Services Coordinator begins on December 4, 2023.
Policy: The Board reviewed the proposed Holiday Closing schedule and Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the schedule and to review the schedule once a year whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Finance: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: December 12, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:00 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of November 14, 2023
Community Services
A Salvation Army representative met with patrons in need on the first Fridays of the month (July through October) from 9am-4pm. The program will resume in January after the holidays.
A library Tick Tock “Amish Vampire book” posted on Oct 24th by Coordinator Amundsen, went viral with 410,000+ views, 300 new followers, and over 55,000 likes. The book was requested via MeLCat the next day.
10/14 The library had make & take crafts along with donuts and cider in the Community Room during the Fall Fest celebration (handed out 25 crafts, 22 more only refreshments). 10/28 the library participated in the downtown Trick or Treat event, having candy available for trick-or-treaters (34 participants) on both floors.
· 10/09 replaced light sensor in Pokagon Room and wall switch in SPARK! Room sent from Touché Lighting.
· 10/24 First Choice Irrigation winterization- will ask for quote on moving rain sensor and extending irrigation in the spring.
· 10/30 Turned on heat tape above gutters around north side roof.
Materials budget for Oct-Sep fiscal year distributed to purchasers for adult fiction, nonfiction, DVDs, and Juvenile & Young Adult books.
10/26 Director Weston attended the SMLC Council and Board meetings at the New Buffalo Township Library. Reported to the ILL Coordinator on current RIDES procedures and updates.
10/31 Several staff received training on the new Atriuum ILS. Moving from Autographics to Atriuum may take several months. The new system is expected to be easier to use, with more options, at half the price.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Kathryn Hayes via conference call (did not participate in any votes), Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith, and Library Director Matt Weston; Board members Mitch Billingham and Kurt Reich were absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of the September Vouchers and Financial Review: A motion to approve the September Vouchers and Financial Review was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The Board reviewed a draft of the 2020-2021 Building Expansion Project plaque and all were pleased with the final design.
Personnel: A 7:08 p.m. Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Director’s Review and staff salary increases, whereupon said motion passed and Director Weston left the room. At 7:40 p.m. the Board returned to the Regular Board Meeting with those listed above in attendance.
Policy: None.
Finance: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: The Board unanimously concurred to retain the current Officers for the 2023-2024 year:
Chair – Judy Lawrence; Vice Chair - Mary Ann Bengtsson; Secretary – Kathryn Hayes; Treasurers Kurt Reich with Mitch Billingham as a Co-Chair.
Public Comments: None.
Next Meeting: November 14, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for the meeting to be adjourned at 7:42 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of October 10, 2023
Community Services
J displays Fall, Farming, National Chicken Month, Grandparents, Apples, Library/Reading, Pirates, “Back to School”; Banned books (J & YA); Constitution, Government, Presidents; “TikTok Made Me Read It” (YA); Adult displays “Fall Into a Good Book”, National Hispanic Heritage Month, Library Card Signup Month.
The Story Sketching group met 9/7, 9/14, 9/28 they read & discussed Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and completed drawings and other works of art based on original artwork from the story. Search Dowagiac District Library Story Sketching on YouTube for a recap of patron projects!
9/9 Director Weston and Youth Assistant Bober represented the library at the SMC Renaissance Faire. They had a table with storytime books related to the middle ages, as well as temporary tattoos of knight, dragons, and related artwork.
9/15 Michigan Window Wizard cleaned inside/outside of windows, and window screens, sills, frames & tracks.
9/27 Irrigation reduced to 3 days/wk and winterization date set for October 24th.
71600: $3,727.36 ACH payment to BCBS of MI for 2 months’ health coverage premiums.
93000: $383.50 to Automatic Equipment Service for replacement of wiring to automatic door plate (Jan 2023).
9/29 Huntington #5393 $104,265.63 to Bond Payment “Trust” for Oct 01 Expansion Bond payment interest.
9/13 Director Weston hosted representatives from five libraries on the Fandom Fest Committee for 2024.
Personnel Committee meeting 9/28 to discuss wages for next budget year and staff performance reviews.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2023
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm by Chair Judy Lawrence. Present were Board Members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kaye Smith, Judy Lawrence, and Janey Schulte. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston. Kathryn Hayes and Kurt Reich were absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: Motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules made by Mitch Billingham and supported by Janey Schulte whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of minutes: Kaye Smith made a motion, supported by Janey Schulte to approve the Regular Library Board Meeting Minutes dated August 8, 2023 whereupon unanimously carried.
Public Comment: none
Truth in Taxation: Mitch Billingham moved and Kaye Smith supported to adopt maximum allowable millage rate of 1.6771 mills for fiscal year 2023-2024, whereas motion passed unanimously.
Mitch Billingham moved and Kaye Smith supported to adopt proposed budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024. Motion carried unanimously.
Presentation from Ryan Brown from Decker Agency concerning Building insurance and Worker's Comp.
Approval of August Vouchers and Financial Review: Janey Schulte made a motion, supported by Mitch Billingham, to approve the August Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director's Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his monthly report. (see below)
Committee Reports:
Buildings and Grounds: Accepted quote from Decker Insurance for Building Insurance and Worker's Comp Insurance.
Personnel: Collected Director reviews and set a meeting for Director and staff annual reviews.
Policy: Kaye Smith made a motion and supported by Judy Lawrence to accept policy updates from July 25th special meeting. Discussed looking into Collection Agency to recover materials not returned over $50.00.
Finance: see above under Truth in Taxation and fiscal budget approval.
Old Business: none
New Business: discussed and approved paying 90% of bill to EdgeIT for late invoicing for Expansion Project.
Public Comment: none
Next regular Board Meeting: October 10th , 2023 to begin at 6:30 pm.
Adjournment: Motion made by Kaye Smith, supported by Mitch Billingham to adjourn @ 7:26pm whereupon motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of September 12, 2023
Community Services
August 1st Library Coordinator Watson and interim Youth Services Coordinator Sovine represented the library at the Cass County Fair from 12-3pm, handing out information and giving temporary tattoos to the visitors. Coordinator Sovine also attended the United Way Spectacular August 5th for the library.
Author Christopher Momany talked about his book Compelling Lives: Five Methodist Abolitionists… and signed copies at the end. The program provoked a lot of discussion and involved the history of Southwest Michigan and Michiana.
3D printer and notary services are almost ready to offer to patrons. Patron will be charged by the gram for 3D-printed models. There will be no charge for notary services to card holders, and $5.00 to non-card holders, or purchase of a non-resident card (also $5.00)
The 8 weeks of Summer Reading included 122 participants reading a total of 34,229 recorded minutes! Adults read the most minutes--21,253—and children ages 6-11 in second place with 9,162 minutes reading.
August 9th A1 Mechanical took a look at the stained water tiles on the 2nd floor but could find no source for the water leak. A couple of storms later and the leak has not recurred.
August 16th met with Ryan at Wolverine Electrical to get a quote for moving two of the parking light poles.
93100: $1,871.26 & $478.99 to A1 Mechanical for regular maintenance, and board & contactor replacements.
93100: $450.00 & $450.00 to Greenway Lawn Care for mowing & weeding, July & August, 2023.
95605: $2,603.82 to Murphy & Spagnuolo for legal meetings and policies work.
Associate Kaniuga and Coordinator Watson had 3D printer training with an employee of the Niles District Library. They talked about printer functions, time issues and fees, and designating a laptop for the printer.
Director Weston & Interim Youth Coordinator Sovine interviewed candidates August 7th & 25th for the Youth Services Coordinator position.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2023
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chair Judy Lawrence. Present were
Board Members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kaye Smith, Judy Lawrence, Kurt
Reich and Janey Schuldt were present. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston. Kathryn
Hayes was absent
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: Motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules made
by Kurt Reich and seconded by Mitch Billingham whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of minutes: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith to approve the
Regular Library Board Meeting Minutes dated July 11, 2023 whereupon unanimously carried.
Public Comment: none
Approval of July Vouchers and Financial Review: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kaye
Smith, to approve the July Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously
Director's Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his monthly report (below).
Committee Reports:
Buildings and Grounds: Discussed creating a budget for building improvements. Also
discussed a Request for Proposal to move lights in parking lot back further from curb.
Personnel: Director evaluations were handed out to board members to be returned at the
September 12 meeting.
Policy: Board will review and vote on policy updates from July 25, 2023 special
meeting at the next board meeting September 12, 2023.
Finance: Discussion and review of Finance Committee budget meeting. After a public
hearing the Board will vote on budget for the coming year at the September 12, 2023 meeting.
Old Business: Reviewed commemorative library plaques for expansion/renovation and Kay
Gray retirement.
New Business: Kaye Smith made a motion and Mary Ann Bengtsson seconded to purchase a 3D
printer and supplies out of building funds. Motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: none
Next regular Board Meeting: September 12, 2023 to begin at 6:00 pm. Earlier meeting time for
approval of budget and millage rate request.
Adjournment: Motion made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Mitch Billingham to adjourn
@ 7:35 pm whereupon motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of August 08, 2023
Community Services
Displays in the Adult Area included Great American Authors, July Is For Foodies, and Horror Books (Not Stephen King). Many topics on display in Children’s including Face Your Fears, Summer Reads, Joke Books, Aliens, and Fruits & Veggies. YA displays also focused on various summer themes.
Joel Tacey’s Magic Show drew a gathering of 54 attendees on fairly short notice. The program was a way to thank patrons for all the hours recorded reading for the Summer Reading Program, along with weekly prizes and grand prizes to be awarded in August.
The two meetings of the Story Sketching book discussion/art program (Jul 13 & 27) were well attended with lots of positive feedback. The library plans on working with Blue Dart Art to host another series of meetings in September.
The Michiana Water Guys reviewed the library’s water usage and setup July 21 and are putting together a quote for a water softening system for the sinks and fountain.
Esper Electric sent in a quote Jul 25 to move the two light poles by the south parking lot. The library is looking for another quote for comparison.
A1 was at the library Jul 05 & 17 to replace the speed & control boards on 2 VAVs and a wire on the RTU.
Huntington -97504: $8,144.44 to A1 Mechanical for replacement of control & speed boards on VAVs.
: $2,860.00 to Envisionware for self-checkout software and training.
: $3,985.00 to Envisionware for self-checkout kiosk, RFID reader, and receipt printer.
Director Weston attended the webinars “Beyond Book Bans” (Jul 10) and “Vendors & Contractors” (Jul 18).
Director Weston & Interim Youth Coordinator Sovine interviewed candidates for the Youth Services Coordinator position who had the required MLIS degree and experience.
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes, July 11, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Kaye Smith was absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated June 13, 2023 whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: A parent addressed the Board with concerns for a display that she felt was not appropriate for her nine year old daughter to see.
Closed Session: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to go into Closed Session for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel to consider attorney-client material exempt from disclosure. On the roll call vote AYE (5): Bengtsson, Billingham, Hayes, Lawrence, Schulte and NAY (1): Reich, whereupon motion carried and at 6:47 pm the Board went into Closed Session. The Board returned from Closed Session at 7:30 pm with all members listed above present to continue the Regular Board Meeting.
Approval of June Vouchers and Financial Review: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, to approve the June Vouchers and Financials whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed and discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The Board discussed the remaining ‘wish list’ items for the building project.
Personnel: Director Weston updated the Board regarding the status of Youth Service Coordinator open position.
Policy: The Board unanimously concurred to table the agenda item Policy Recommendations from Legal Counsel and the policies will be reviewed and discussed at a Special Board Meeting on July 25, 2023 at 6 pm.
Finance: The Finance Committee will meet before the next Regular Board Meeting to begin the budget review.
Old Business: The agenda items Circulation Policy for Long Overdue Items and Library Holidays were tabled.
New Business: The Board gave input regarding the plaques being designed and their placements in the library.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: August 8, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Earlier time due to the Budget Meeting
Adjournment: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, for the meeting to be adjourned at 8:24 pm, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of July 11, 2023
Community Services
Signups for the Summer Reading Program (started 6/12) included 37 youth, and 25 adults in June. Weekly sheets are turned in for a prize drawing in each age category (children, teens, adults). We awarded 9 gift cards to local businesses (3 weeks of drawings) in June.
6/16 was the first Messy Time project for kids (Fridays through Aug 04). 6/24 was the first Chalk Time outside on the sidewalks, across from the rear main entrance (Saturdays through Aug 12).
Displays LGBT+ books on display in the Teen Area, along with a Books Banned in Florida Schools display. Children’s Area books on kindness, summer, bugs, Juneteenth, the Great Outdoors. Adult Area also displayed outdoor books, Road Trip Books, and Reading with Pride.
There was an artist’s reception and talk on June 10 featuring David Baker in the Community Room. Watercolor paintings from the artist are displayed on the Art Wall through July 31.
6/2 field trips from Justus Gage (1st & 2nd), Interim Coordinator Sovine read a book and talked about the Summer Reading Program (SRP), Messy Time Fridays, how to get a library card, and things to do at the library including the activity tables, computers, puppet theater, and finding books. 6/5 5th graders visit included talking about the SRP, Teen Tuesdays, finding books, and the library rules.
6/5 Ryan Fireprotection, Inc. checked the wet & dry sprinklers, backflow, and fire extinguishers. Demonstrated bleeding of the moisture from the dry system (upstairs Custodian’s closet).
93100: $665.00 to Ryan Fireprotection, Inc.for annual inspection of sprinklers, backflow, and extinguishers.
93100: $1,191.44 to A1 Mechanical for quarterly maintenance of RTU and VAVs.
1st Source 10112: $8,561.16 to American Digital Memories for Phase 3 microfilm scanning project.
6/1 staff self-checkout kiosk training with Envisionware (9-10:30).
6/7 Director Weston represented the Library at a cleanup of Rudolphi Woods parking ares, sponsored by the City of Dowagiac and Dowagiac Rotary Club.
6/20 Director Weston made a presentation at the Dowagiac Democrats meeting about libraries and censorship.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, and Library Director Matt Weston; Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson Kaye Smith, and Kathy Hayes were absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated May 9, 2023 whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of May Vouchers and Financial Review: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the May Vouchers and Financials whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below). Mitch Billingham made a motion to move $300 from expense line 87300 Travel & Training to 88200 Chargebacks.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: There was a discussion about moving two light poles farther back from the parking lot curb. Director Weston provided the name of a company offering to quote the work, and Mitch Billingham offered to find a second company. Judy Lawrence asked about a ‘wish list’ of future building items and costs, whereupon Director Weston offered to compile a list of costs for these items. Among the items needing pricing was a water softening system for the building.
Personnel: Director Weston reported that the Youth Services Coordinator position is currently vacant, he is reviewing the position description and hopes to post it next week with a potential hire date of mid- to late August.
Policy: There was a discussion of the current Circulation Policy pertaining to items checked out and long overdue, at what point a collections agency needs to become involved, and associated costs. It was agreed that the discussion should be tabled for a future meeting.
Finance: Director Weston provided an overview of the 2023 Millage Tax Rate calculations and the amounts the Library can expect to receive. The Finance Committee will create a budget for the Board to review August 8, 2023.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: July 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Weston
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of June 13th, 2023
Community Services
Free Comic Book Day! Gave away 97 comic books from May 4th through the rest of the month (2 per person). We worked with Fanfare of Kalamazoo to facilitate the free comics for the library, published especially for this day.
Adult book displays included “Always Listen to Your Mother” (mother’s advice), Asian American Pacific Islander Month. Children’s & Teens included nursery rhymes, flowers & gardens, caterpillars & butterflies, pets, bikes, and inventors, Star Wars, jobs, and “last chance” (low checkout) books.
In the Community Room, May 10th, Michigan Notable Book Author Sharon Emery talked about her book, It’s Hard Being You, her life as a journalist, and her story of resiliency in the face of a life-long stutter and the early death of her daughter. The 19 attendees each received a paperback copy of the book for the author to sign.
5/1 & 5/3 Erick’s Carpet Cleaning; 5/2 First Choice Irrigation start-up; 5/13 vinegar bags on the faucets; 5/24 A1 Mechanical RTU and maintenance on VAVs, 5/26 blower speed adjusted; 5/2 & 5/16 EdgeIT computers/network maintenance.
5/26 Self-checkout kiosk arrived, Coordinator Watson connected and booted up station & printer.
93000 $348.75 to Haas Systems for keyless entry maintenance access with Integra.
93100 $1,885.00 to Erick’s Carpet Cleaning for cleaning 1st & 2nd floors of the library.
93100 $284.00 to First Choice Irrigation for sprinklers spring startup.
5/15 $25,000 to 1st Source CD from 2021-22 budget revenue in operating account.
Weeks of May 15th & 22nd Director Weston and Coordinator Watson interviewed 6 candidates for the 2 Patron Services Associate positions. Training starts for Associate Kaniuga 5/27 (Sat, Wed, Fri), and 5/30 for Associate Bober (Sat, Tue, Thu).
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Regular Board Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Mary Ann Bengtsson was absent.
Approval of the Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated April 11, 2023 and the Special Board Meeting Minutes dated April 25, 2023 whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of April Vouchers and Financial Review: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to move
$25,000 to an account that pays a higher interest whereupon motion unanimously carried. Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the April Vouchers and Financials whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Following a discussion about a self-checkout unit for the 1st floor, Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to purchase the unit whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Personnel: Director Weston reported that the Personnel Committee met in April to review Library personnel protocols (advertising for openings, applications, documentation). Director Weston reported that employees Kay Gray and Melissa Phillips have both tendered their resignations. The Board stated that both employees will be missed, thanked them for their efforts and years of service to the Library, and wish Kay and Melissa well!
Policy: None.
Finance: Due to an overlap of payments and a switchover of services, Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to move $1000 from 71800 (Retirement) to 85300 (Telephone) whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: Review and discussion of the Holiday schedule tabled for a later date.
New Business: Director Weston reported that the Book Review Committee met and the conclusion was that the book in question will remain in place as the intended audience for the book is the same as where it was shelved. It was noted that staff are unable to examine the content of every title owned by the library, and ultimately parents oversee the books that their children read. Also noted was that the Book Review Process will be streamlined and a review schedule will be implemented.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: June 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of May 9th, 2023
Community Services
April 3rd, Spring Into Your Local Library: a Look & Find event around the City. We partnered with the Pokagon Band and the City of Dowagiac. Participants looked for items around the City and came back to the library for a prize.
On display: Youth Services- National Gardening Month; National Poetry Month; Spring; Poop (national pooper scooper month); Bunnies and Rabbits; Wildlife; Earth Day and Arbor Day combined display; Easter; Poetry written in verse; National Frog Month (surprisingly popular!) Adult Services- Poetry; “April Showers Read for Hours”; Books Make Your Mind Bloom (revolving).
April 3rd Blue Dart Art hung works featuring the Newton House on the library Art Wall and displayed information.
Community Room- April 1st VITA tax help volunteers held their final session; April 13th the Cass County Democrats held a program as an after-hours event.
April 3rd & 4th Michigan’s Window Wizard cleaned the exterior and the higher interior windows.
April 17th A1 Refrigeration HVAC maintenance visit- motor board out VAV 2-4, blower still needed VAV 1-6.
April 28th met with Mona from MonaCo Cleaning for pricing on backup cleaning services.
We currently have CDs at Honor CU (2.65%), Huntington Bank (2.69%), and Circle FCU (4.0%).
April 5th Coordinators Amundsen and Watson attended MeLCat virtual training.
April 8th Director Weston represented the library at the 5th annual Fandom Fest at the Mendel Center.
April 14th Director Weston attended the Chamber of Commerce “Lunch With Leaders” program. April 27th attended the Southwest MI Coop meeting at Niles District Library.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Special Board Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Kurt Reich was absent.
Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kaye Smith, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: The following were in attendance and individually expressed their support of the Library’s statement on censorship: Bonnie LaTourette, Kathy Johnson, Janet Ross, Toy True, Jane Wilson, Lois Cole, Julie Dye, and Steve Mammel.
Director Weston read aloud a statement of the Dowagiac District Library’s position regarding censorship and on the roll call vote the following Board members voted in support of the letter: Bengtsson, Billingham, Hayes, Lawrence, Smith, Schulte (AYE: 6) whereupon motion carried. Additionally, a Censorship Emergency Contact List was reviewed and additional contacts were added and it was reported that the Library will be seeking/appointing one lay person to the Reconsideration of Material Committee.
Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the Special Board Meeting at 7:15 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Kurt Reich was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated March 14, 2023, whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Parent Rebecca Grabemeyer spoke about the Reconsideration of Material request she had submitted to Director Weston. She did not feel that the graphic novel, The Leak, belonged in the Juvenile section and requested it be moved to a more age-appropriate area. The Board thanked her for her comments and stated she will be contacted for the next step of this process regarding her concern.
Approval of March Vouchers and Financial Review: Upon review of the financial reports, Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to accept the March Vouchers and Financials whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: The Personnel Committee had to reschedule their meeting of April 11, 2023 and will meet at a later date.
Policy: None.
Finance: None.
Old Business: All Board members concurred to table the agenda item Holiday Schedule Review/Discussion to a later date.
Following a discussion of referring lost/destroyed library items to a collection agency (approximately $2770 over three years), the Library will offer an “Amnesty Month” as a means to collect outstanding items instead of hiring a collection firm.
New Business: A Book Review Committee was formed to review the parental concerns brought before the Board tonight.
Board members shared positive comments they’ve heard from community members/visitors/groups about the Library and thanked Director Weston and his staff for all they do!
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: May 9, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of April 11th, 2023
Community Services
March 11th VITA tax help volunteers were in the Community Room helping patrons during Saturday open hours.
March’s Read the Rainbow reading challenge had 40 participants (30 kids, 5 teens, and 5 adults). Those who completed the challenge were entered into a prize drawing. Two $25 Amazon gift cards were awarded.
Coordinator Phillips hosted a Head Start preschool class fieldtrip at the library (15 kids & 4 teachers) giving a tour, explaining the rules of the library, how to treat books, get a card, etc. She also visited Head Start Preschool March 8th as the guest reader for March Reading Month.
March 8th Director Weston was guest speaker at the Dowagiac COA’s “Spill the Beans” program where he talked about current programs and future events, and answered general questions about the library.
Cooking on Teen Tuesdays and through the Make & Share adult recipe club continues to be popular. The teens made shamrock shakes in March and oatmeal cookies in April. Adults bring their finished recipes and the teens cook in house.
Nothing to report for March- continued delays on VAV blower. Preventative maintenance scheduled in April.
March 25th Director Weston completed & submitted the annual bond continuing disclosure report to EMMA.
March 1st Amundsen attended a webinar on new features of the Libby eBook/audio app, and Director Weston attended a webinar for the Michigan Notable Books author program.
Director Weston attended a Fandom Fest meeting at the Bridgman Public Library March 8th (event April 8th).
March 14th Coordinator Watson attended an Amazon Business purchasing webinar. The Library is part of an Amazon discount group of Michigan Libraries. March 16th she met with a coordinator from the Salvation Army to talk about hosting a social worker at the library once a month.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Janey Schulte was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Kurt Reich, whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated February 14, 2023, whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of February Vouchers and Financial Review: Upon review of the current budget, Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to move $300.00 from line item 87300 (Travel and Training) to 88200 (Charge Backs) whereupon the motion unanimously carried. Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the February 2023 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Following a discussion Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to set the Library hours as Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday/Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to begin April 3, 2023, whereupon the motion unanimously carried. Director Weston will get additional information and quotes for bollards or posts for the parking lot poles before a decision is made.
Personnel: None.
Policy: The Board discussed several updates to the Community Room Regulations Policy (building use without an employee present, must be 21/older, supplies, emergency contacts, use of the fob for entry). Kaye Smith then made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, for approval of the amended policy whereupon the motion unanimously carried.
Finance: The Board discussed the Library’s current CDs from bond and operating monies and Director Weston will double check that all signature cards are current on all accounts.
Personnel: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: The Board discussed lost/missing Library items that were never returned and/or paid for, a total of $2770.00, from 2020 to now. Director Weston will get information to see if it’s financially worth hiring a collection agency to collect these overdue debts. Judy Lawrence asked for suggestions on how to honor the Dowagiac Ladies Library for 150 years of service. Mary Ann Bengtsson suggested that a plaque be put up acknowledging the Board’s work on the library’s expansion project.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: April 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting
March 14th, 2023
Community Services
Winter Reading Challenge winners received bags with a blanket, a local gift card, and bookmark. Participating were 36 children (22 completed), 4 teens (2 completed), and 20 adults (7 completed).
Participated in Ice Time Feb 4th with a snowy owl craft and cookies in the Community Room. The Library was also an official stop on the bus tour.
Black History Month displays in the Adult, Teen, and Children’s areas. Extra books (including Classics) and movies were purchased to keep displays current and fresh.
Weekly “tech help” on Mondays (10am) started Feb 27th and is led by Coordinator Watson. This is an open time when patrons receive more in-depth help related to computers and other devices.
VITA tax help volunteers from the United Way met with patrons Saturday, Feb 25th in the Community Room. The program has been completely full. We would like to offer more times to the public but volunteers are needed (signup info at both pamphlet racks).
Feb 7th met with Derek Lietzau at Farm Bureau’s to discuss latest insurance audit and review.
NAS storage installed and phase 1 digitized microfilm (50 rolls) transferred and ready to use.
A1 Mechanical is waiting on a blower that had to be reordered to complete work on two of the VAVs.
Feb 28th the Library invested $400,000 in a 6-month CD at Huntington at 2.69%
-Feb 9th Youth Assistant Sovine spoke to the Dowagiac Rotary Club about graphic novels for kids and teens.
-Coordinator Watson attended cataloging training on creating records with RDA, February 21-23.
-Feb 20th Director Weston and Coordinator Watson met with Blue Dart Art to plan the “story sketching” program that will run through late June and July (May 1st signup).
-Feb 23rd Coordinator Phillips met with the Pokagon Band to plan the “Spring into Your Library” event.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Janey Schulte was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Judy Lawrence, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated January 10, 2023, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
A representative from Kruggel Lawton presented the Annual Audit and reviewed the document and answered questions from the Board. The audit illustrates that the Library remains fiscally responsible and functioning well.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of January Vouchers and Financial Review: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the January 2023 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The Board unanimously concurred to delay a vote to approve a bid for bollards for the parking lot poles as additional information is needed.
Personnel: None.
Policy: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, for approval of various policy changes per the recommendations of the Policy Committee, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
The Board unanimously concurred that Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve will no longer be considered holidays but rather have reduced hours.
Finance: Director Weston reported on the current CD investments and new rates.
Personnel: None.
Old Business: Judy Lawrence will contact the City of Dowagiac regarding the renewal of her term on the Library Board.
New Business: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to approve the quote for NAS storage for digitization, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: March 14, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting
February 14th, 2023
Community Services
Set up VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) appointments with the United Way and IRS for Saturdays Feb 25th, Mar 11th, and Apr 1st.
The Winter Reading challenge for Youth and Adult patrons runs January 3rd through February 14th. Upon completion of reading books from 5 categories participants receive a chocolate bar “snowman” and are entered into the grand prize drawing.
Special book displays included Best of 2022 in the adult and Teen areas, winter themes in the Youth areas to promote Winter Reading, and MLK Day and Coretta Scott King Award books.
Took down Christmas tree and decorations a bit at a time throughout the month of January.
Jan 18th met with Jacob at Michigan Window Wizard for quote and to schedule window cleaning in March.
Jan 26th Hearth and Home cleaned and adjusted the fireplace to function properly.
Honor CU bumped up our CD #333 from 1.1% to 2.65%. Moved Circle FCU savings to a 4% 12 month CD.
74000: $530.000 to Rainbow Printing for resident and non-resident library cards.
Jan 11th attended a planning meeting for the April 8th Fandom Fest at Lake Michigan College (10 area libraries participating this year), and the Adult Programming Roundtable Jan 20th.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2023
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Kurt Reich was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated December 13, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of December Vouchers and Financial Review: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the December 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The Board unanimously concurred to delay a motion regarding waterproofing of brickwork until several questions are clarified.
Policy: Director Weston stated that there are current Library Policies to be reviewed/updated by the Committee. Per the Board, the schedule of holidays for 2023 will also be reviewed.
Finance: Director Weston discussed higher interest rates that are available. Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to move funds in Huntington Bank into a higher paying CD, whereupon motion unanimously carried. Director Weston reviewed the State of Michigan’s proposed minimum wage increase and sick leave accrued for part-time employees. He will have more information in February.
Personnel: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on February 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
(Note: Auditor’s Report followed by the Board Meeting.)
Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m., whereupon motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting
January 10th, 2023
Community Services
Holiday book displays throughout the library and on the website. J Fiction and Nonfiction, YA, and Adult book and movie displays. The library entrances were decorated with garland and wreaths, and a lighted tree with ornaments on the 2nd floor for a festive atmosphere.
Dec 12th sent out first 50 rolls of historical newspaper microfilm to American Digital Memories (202 total) for digitization. The microfilm has deteriorated over time and digitization will preserve these images and make them keyword searchable for researchers.
Dec 17th there was an artist reception for Vivian Fajardo in the Community Room. Artists are displayed for 2 months on the wall near the fireplace, with the schedule full through July 2023. Artists may contact the Director if they are interested in displaying at the Library.
ACD worked with EdgeIT to switch internet and phones over from Comcast cable to ACD fiber optic line. Kept Comcast online as a backup until the end of December when the contract expired.
Carpets cleaned Dec 6th & 7th by Erick’s Carpet Cleaning.
Dec 14th met with Mulder Waterproofing to determine why efflorescence has developed on the main entrance stairway brick (see quote).
Dec 29th Otis Elevator fixed a loose interior rail attached to the outside of the car.
The annual audit was conducted in December by Kruggel Lawton, and will be presented at the February 14th Board meeting at 6pm.
Director Weston attended virtual meetings of the Library of Michigan Dec 9th discussing upcoming legislation affecting minimum wage and paid sick time for part-time employees, and a Dec 14th Fandom Fest planning meeting.
Coordinator Watson and Director Weston met with representatives from Blue Dart Art to discuss a community reading and art project for later in 2023.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2022
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes and Library Director Matt Weston; Board members Kurt Reich Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith were absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated September 13, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of November Vouchers and Financial Review: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve the November 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached). The Board complimented Director Weston for consistently preparing ‘reader-friendly’ Board packets that include highlighted clarifications/explanations/projections. Additionally, the Board appreciates the handouts and social media information promoting the Library and various activities/events. It was noted that the new ‘Welcome’ handout is well-done and filled with great information about the Library.
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Policy: None.
Finance: None.
Personnel: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on January 10, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m., whereupon motion
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of December 13th, 2022
Community Services
Displays for Native American Heritage Month in the Adult Fiction, Children’s Bin, and Elevator Display.
The Wifi hotspots started going out Nov 27th. Our 3 hotspots are checked out for 1 month. The Library can add hotspots as needed, for a monthly fee through Mobile Beacon (currently T-Mobile service).
Special programing included a Nov 7th presentation by Jim Herm, “The Legacy & Memory of Emmett Till”, a Nov 12th storytime with local author Thelda Mathews reading “The Squoze”, and various patrons completing the City-wide Elf Scavenger Hunt at the Library the same day.
Brisk selling for The Ladies Library Association book sale Nov 11th, 12th, and 14th during the Dowagiac Holiday Open House & Craft Weekend. This was their second sale of 2022.
The Library is working with Feed the Hungry to collect canned goods and the Dowagiac Fire Department to collect new toys for the Toys for Tots program.
The new heat tape was turned on before the early winter storm Nov 16th & 17th and is functioning well.
Nov 23rd A1 changed filters and replaced a wire in one of the VAVs, also worked with Semco Gas to remove the regulator and replace with a higher pressure one.
Nov 30th the downstairs bathroom locks were adjusted to work properly. All 3 were missing an internal screw.
93000: $2405.96 to Otis Elevator for yearly maintenance + $125.00 fuel fee.
Huntington acct 97504 $4,620.00 to Miller-Davis for electrical work (data lines and wall outlet).
$765.00 to Borntrager for patching leaks in the south entrance canopy.
The Library closed 2 hours early on Wednesday, Nov 23rd in anticipation of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Librarian Gray and Director Weston reviewed microfilm & newspaper digitization samples from American Digital Memories and recommended moving forward with the digitization project.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes, November 15th, 2022
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m, by Chair Judy Lawrence. Present were Board Members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Kaye Smith, Janey Schultd, and Judy Lawrence. Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich and Mitch Billingham were absent. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: Motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules made by Kaye Smith and seconded by Janey Schuldt whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of minutes: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith to approve the Regular Library Board Meeting Minutes dated October l lth, 2022 whereupon motion unanimously carried,
Public comment: none
Approval of October Vouchers and Financial Review: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith to approve the October Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his monthly report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion to approve early closing Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving @ 5:00 p.m. Judy Lawrence seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Personnel: none
Policy: none
Finance: Kaye Smith made a motion to approve using Pokagon Room donation money to digitize newspapers. Mary Ann Bengtsson seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
Public Comment: none
Next regular Board meeting December 13th, 2022 to begin at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment: Motion made by Kaye Smith, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson to adjourn @ 7:30 p.m. whereupon motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of November 15th, 2022
Community Services
Karen Dionne’s visit to the Van Buren Conference Center (Oct 4th) was a success with 114 attendees, but only 5 came from Dowagiac. Youth Assistant Sovine represented the Library at the Southwest Michigan Writer’s Conference in Niles (Oct 22nd), which was also a success but didn’t draw in anyone from Dowagiac.
Coordinator Phillips started Thursday “Story Squad” story times, for 6-9 yr-olds, with 4 meetings in October averaging 3-4 attendees per meeting (14 total).
Saturday night, October 1st The Michiana Paranormal Society investigated the library for activity and captured audio and video footage that looks promising for further investigation. The Library will work with Cory Kovacs at the Society to arrange another investigation, after which the evidence will be presented as a public program.
Oct 8th The Library participated in Fall Fest with a craft, cider & donuts. Oct 29th the Library handed out candy as part of the Chamber of Commerce downtown trick or treating event. On display in the Youth areas were Halloween and fall-related books, and new horror in the adult area.
Oct 6th Library Design installed extra shelving in the Fiction, New Book/Audio, Nonfiction, and YA areas.
Oct 24th ACD ran fiber optic line to basement. Next step is splicing to the main line down the alley. They are on schedule to complete the project before Dec 28th when our Comcast contract ends.
Oct 25th Haas and EdgeIT connected the new cameras to the server and reconnected the key fob panels.
Oct 25th Esper Electric was here to fix the parking lot light and found a loose wire.
Oct 28th Borntrager Enterprises patched the south canopy roof over the main entrance.
80200: $575.98 to Michiana Recycling & Disposal for annual weekly garbage and recycling pickup (3 cans).
Huntington -97504 Construction: $4,400 to Miller-Davis Co. for additional electrical work (data & outlet).
Oct 27th Director Weston attended the Southwest Michigan Library Coop meeting in Portage and took a tour of their new facilities. Areas of note included the Makerspace area, a new lobby with vending machines, many small meeting rooms, and a seed exchange.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2022
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Kurt Reich was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated September 13, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of September Vouchers and Financial Review: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve the September 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Policy: Director Weston showed the new Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot devise now available for checkout and the Board made suggestions for to the patron agreement. Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for approval of the Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot Agreement whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Finance: None.
Personnel: At 6:42 PM Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel and the motion unanimously carried and Director Weston left the meeting. At 7:47 PM Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to reconvene the Regular Board Meeting whereupon said motion passed and Director Weston rejoined the meeting and the Board reviewed his yearly evaluation, salary increase, and benefits with him.
Old Business: None.
New Business: 2022-2023 Officers: President, Judy Lawrence; Vice Chair, Mary Ann Bengtsson; Treasurer, Kurt Reich; Secretary, Kathryn Hayes. Committees: Buildings and Grounds – Mary Ann Bengtsson/Judy Lawrence; Personnel – Kathryn Hayes/Mary Ann Bengtsson; Policy – Janey Schulte/Kaye Smith; Finance Mitch Billingham/Kurt Reich. The Board discussed the need for the Library to add business hours, starting December 5th, 2022, to better serve the community, and agreed to 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with the expectation that full-time floor staff must work 5 days a week when the Library is open to patrons.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on November 15, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. (*Change of date due to Election Day on November 8, 2022.)
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m., whereupon motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of October 11th, 2022
Community Services
As part of Southwest Michigan Reads the Library ramped up advertising for author Karen Dionne’s visit to the Van Buren Conference Center (Oct 4th), and Youth Assistant Sovine attended final planning for the Southwest Michigan Writer’s Conference in Niles (Oct 22nd).
Coordinator Phillips finalized planning and advertising for “Story Squad”, a new storytime for ages 6-9. Participants listen to a part of a novel each time while drawing/coloring/other and eating a snack. There is a discussion at the end of each meeting.
Study Room usage remains consistent with reservations from earlier in the summer (44 avg., July-September).
As part of Banned Books week the Library had book displays throughout the building. Each book had a summary of why it had been challenged or banned at a school/public library or with a publisher. “I Read Banned Books” stickers were available to anyone who checked one out.
Sept 12th: A1 Mechanical replaced the contactors for some VAVs (8). Miller-Davis reps came out to look at the key system for downstairs restroom locks (locks and plates are on order).
Sept. 15th A1 Mechanical fixed water flow to faucet in the Pokagon Room.
Sept 20th Library closed ~2hrs early due to power outage. Stayed open ~2hrs without power.
Sept 21st Ryan Fireprotection annual inspection of backflows (3), sprinklers, & fire extinguishers (7).
Sept 23rd Arnt Asphalt painted the curb in front of main entrance and refreshed the parking lines striping.
88000: $366.50 to Leader Publications for $246 budget & millage newspaper ads (2), and $120 for Library program ads (4).
93050: $157.50 to EdgeIT for 1.75 hours over contract.
Huntington -97504: $1,706.25 to EdgeIT for setup and configuration of new PCs and server NAS.
Sept 1st Director Weston met with the new Dowagiac Chamber of Commerce Director, Matt Money.
Sept 9th Associate Simoni had online training in Microsoft Word & Excel.
Sept 26th Youth Assistant Sovine ran the storytime, book club, and Teen Tuesday this week while the Coordinator was on vacation.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2022
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Kaye Smith was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Kurt Reich, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated August 9, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: A resident attended the meeting to ask clarification regarding the Truth in Taxation for the allowable millage rate for fiscal year 2022-2023. Director Weston explained that, even though property values have increased, the rate levied remains the same (minus Headlee rate reduction). He added that the notification in the newspaper is protocol. The resident thanked the Director for the explanation.
Approval of August Vouchers and Financial Review: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve the August 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried. Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to approve the Truth in Taxation Allowable Maximum Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the installation of heat tape on the north roof for $3840.00, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Personnel: The Personnel Committee will meet with Director Weston before the next Regular Board Meeting regarding annual reviews.
Policy: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve policies changes as recommended by the Policy Committee, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Finance: Following the review of the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, for approval whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: Director Weston stated that the Library hours will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday thru Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. The new schedule will begin on October 3, 2022.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on October 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM.
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m., whereupon motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of September 13th, 2022
Community Services
The “Oceans of Possibilities” Summer Reading program ran from June 13th-August 13th (9 weeks) with a grand total of 72 participants (15 adults, 13 teens, 44 kids). Participants completed checklist challenges earning one entry for every challenge completed. Grand prizes of $100 Amazon gift cards were awarded to each age group.
Preschool storytimes averaged 18+ patrons throughout the month of August. Friday Messytimes slowed down to only 5 or 6 attendees last two meetings. The Make & Share cookbook club has 8-10 regulars coming each month to share what they’ve made. August’s recipe’s came from The Complete Summer Cookbook.
Teen Game Days (PS5 on the Big Screen) started August with multiplayer gaming 1st & 3rd Thursdays from 3-5:30. There were only 3-4 attendees at each of the first two meetings, but this is expected to increase once word get around and it becomes an after-school activity.
August 4th was the final performance for the Summer Concert Series at the Pavillion. This was a big hit every Thursday night throughout the summer. We will continue to work with the Chamber of Commerce to bring the series back in 2023.
8/1 & 8/3 cleaning companies toured the Library to see if they could quote one-time and recurring cleanings.
8/16 First Choice Irrigation replaced a broken sprinkler head, realigned others, and repaired cuts to the drip line.
8/24 Hi-Tech installed one outlet and ran data lines to a floor box in Children’s and the OPAC in the Teen area.
8/30 A1 replaced filters on the VAVs and cleaned the coils on the Carrier unit; plumber unclogged the water fountain and faucet in the Pokagon Room.
92000: $2,587.01 to The City of Dowagiac for August utilities (extra irrigation).
Huntington -97504: $1,100.00 to New Leaf Landscaping for plant bed mulch.
$283.36 to The Library Network for UPS Universal Power Supply to server.
8/4 three staff from Paw Paw DL toured the Library and learned our ILL procedures from Coord. Amundsen.
8/25 Director Weston attended the Southwest Michigan Library Coop meeting at the Coloma PL.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes, August 9, 2022
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte and Library Director Matt Weston; Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Kurt Reich, and Kaye Smith were absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated July 12, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of July Vouchers and Financial Review: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the July 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Director Weston reported that he is working with a representative from Miller-Davis regarding ‘small projects’ to be completed throughout the Library, including installation of data lines for floor boxes, pricing for hallway cameras near the restrooms, key locks on the outside of the restrooms, and the feasibility of installing hand driers in the restrooms.
Personnel: None.
Policy: Upon the Board’s review and discussion of the proposed changes to certain Library policies, a recommendation was made for clarification and/or to leave the specific wording of a written policy. The Board unanimously concurred to table the motion until the next regular meeting.
Finance: The Finance Committee will meet before the next regular meeting to review the budget. Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, for the following: move $2000 from line 97900 (Videos) to 97800 (Books), to move $5000 from 92000 and $2000 from 88000 to line 93050 (Computer Maintenance) whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Director Weston will compile confidential emergency contact lists for all Library employees and a second list for all Board members as a means to be proactive in an emergency situation, if ever needed. It was suggested that the Library begin to expand their hours to better serve the community. The discussion was for Monday thru Thursday – 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Director Weston will explore how he can best implement staff work schedules to accommodate the longer work days and report back at the September regular meeting.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on September 13, 2022 at 6:00* p.m.
*Earlier time to review/approve the 2023 Library Budget.
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m., whereupon motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of August 9th, 2022
Community Services
Summer Reading runs from June 13th-August 13th (9 weeks), now at 75 total participants (62 kids & teens, 13 adults).
July 15th & 16th during Summer in the City the Ladies Library Association hosted a book sale in the Community Room and the Dowagiac Conservation Club hosted the Jungle Island Zoo at the library Pavilion.
Monthly book displays included Caldecott and Newbery award winners; a 6-Bin collection of New books, Fruits & Veggies, Joke Books, “Never Checked Out”, Summer Books, & Aliens; Books with summer, ocean, beach, and water in title (children); Shark Week; Red Hot Summer (teen); Independence Day (adult).
New artwork displayed July 30th in the Fireplace Area from Phillip Falcone.
July 4th the Library was closed for Independence Day.
July 5th EdgeIT troubleshooting of old receipt printers and will have to order new ones to network.
July 13th ProSafety Innovations installed an AED cabinet and go-bag (first aid) hook.
93100 $550.00 to Otis Elevator Company for providing access to hoistway for fire alarm testing.
88000 $238.00 to Van Buren District Library for 20 copies of author’s books for SW MI Reads event.
93100 $900.00 to Askar Urakpayev for exterior and interior window cleaning.
July 11th Librarian Gray attended a Van Buren Regional Genealogical Society meeting at the Hartford PL.
July 13th Coordinator Amundsen attended a webinar about handling the MeLCat overdue process.
July 16th Coordinator Watson was interviewed by Channel 22 WSBT about the Jungle Island Zoo.
July 20th Coordinator Phillips attended a "Library Signage 101” webinar.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library Board Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2022
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m. by Chair Judy Lawrence. Present were Board Members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kaye Smith and Judy Lawrence. Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich and Janey Schuldt were absent. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: Motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules made by Kaye Smith and seconded by Mitch Billingham whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of minutes: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith to approve the Regular Library Board Meeting Minutes dated June 14, 2022 whereupon unanimously carried.
Public Comment: none
Approval of June Vouchers and Financial Review: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to approve the June Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director's Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his monthly report. (see attached)
Committee Reports:
Buildings and Grounds: Mitch Billingham made a motion and seconded by Kaye Smith to approve Library Designs additional shelving quote whereupon unanimously carried.
Personnel: none
Policy: Motion to approve changes from policy Committee meeting postponed ti! next meeting.
Finance: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion delegating authority to the SMDL OverDrive Coordinator to negotiate contracts with OverDrive and to set an annual budget for the collection on behalf of the group AND delegate collection development authority to OverDrive, seconded by Kaye Smith whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: none New Business: none
Public Comment: none
Next regular Board Meeting: August 9th, 2022 to begin at 6:30 p.m
Adjournment: Motion made by Kaye Smith, seconded by Mitch Billingham to adjourn@ 7:20 p.m whereupon motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report,
Board Meeting of July 12th, 2022
Community Services
Summer Reading runs from June 13th-August 13th (9 weeks), and had 64 signups in June (40 kids, 13 teens, 13 adults). Messy Time Fridays have run concurrently with the SRP, as well.
The Library Pavilion has been the location of the Summer Concert Series from the Chamber of Commerce since June 2nd. Performances are Thursdays at 7:30. It has been well-attended, starting with one food vendor now up to three this month.
Pride book displays in Youth, Teen, and Adult areas were generally well-received by parents and other patrons. Other displays included Books Into Movies (the Sequel), Never Been Checked Out, and Summer of Love.
The ongoing Teen Tuesday programs have included Bingo, Cooking 101 classes, and various arts & crafts projects. A core group of teens has been regularly attending.
Program flyers have gone out to the townships, programs advertised in Neighbors &, Summer Reading announced in the Daily News, and flyers posted on bulletin boards throughout downtown.
Director Weston and Custodian Larzelere successfully adjusted the irrigation programming.
June 8th Otis Elevator adjusted magnetic strips to even out floor stops.
June 16th Coordinator Watson and Director Weston met with Library Design re: extra shelving.
93100 $550.00 to Otis Elevator Company for providing access to hoistway for fire alarm testing.
88000 $238.00 to Van Buren District Library for 20 copies of author’s books for SW MI Reads event.
93100 $900.00 to Askar Urakpayev for exterior and interior window cleaning.
Associate Sovine attended the Writers’ Conference virtual meeting June 1st.
Director Weston attended virtual Overdrive meeting June 30th re: structuring of group purchasing.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2022
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith, and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Mary Ann Bengtsson was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated May 10, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of May Vouchers and Financial Review: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the May 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Director Weston reviewed the updated Walkthrough for the Library Expansion Project, which is close to completion. He continues to follow-up with all check-list items that are not completed to date and the Board appreciates Director Weston’s on-going efforts with this project.
Personnel: Upon review of the budget and salaries by the Financial Committee, Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, for approval of the hiring of a Library Coordinator, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Policy: Director Weston presented Personal Policy 2.110 and requested that it be updated to reflect the Fair Labor Standards Act by increasing the number of hours an employee may work in one day. Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the change whereupon motion unanimously carried. Additionally, Director Weston reported on the number of hours per week that salaried and hourly staff come in early to complete tasks and/or get organized for the day when the Library is closed to patrons. Director Weston may be adopting a work-schedule adjustment for this summer for some employees.
Director Weston shared a copy of the Material Selection Policy and Library Challenges Handout as a means to refresh the Board on how books and materials are purchased for the Library.
Finance: The Finance Committee met in June to review the budget to date. Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to name an account “Future Building Costs” for the purpose of growing a savings account of committed funds to be utilized for future building expenses, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on July 12, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m., whereupon motion
unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of June 14th, 2022
Community Services
Youth displays included May the 4th Be with You, Mother's Day, National Pet Month, April Showers Bring May Flowers, National Bike Month, Mother Goose, National Inventor's Month, and Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Adult displays included Books Made into Movies, “Mama Mia” (Mother’s Day), Asian Pacific American History, Cookbooks (featuring our Make & Share club selection), and DVDs of various summer movie themes.
May 7th, was Free Comic Book Day at the library. Fanfare of Kalamazoo works with publishers each year to provide copies of a dozen or so popular titles published specifically for this day (2 comics allowed per patron).
Coordinator Phillips put on a Soda Science (weird pop) program for the teens May 24th. Other events included Pulled String Art, and cooking Cheesy Pepperoni Sticks.
May 4th Teams meeting discussion with Miller-Davis and Barton Group about remaining warranty items.
May 10th Ryan Fire Protection inspected the fire sprinklers.
May 11th Greenway Quality Lawn Care started weekly mowing.
May 13th Spring Green started applying monthly lawn weed & feed.
93050 $5,197.50 to J.P. Gillen (EdgeIT) for first 3 months of computer & network maintenance contract.
93100 $1,725.00 to New Leaf Landscapes for snow removal & salting 2021-22.
Huntington Construction: $13,231.80 to J.P. Gillen for 10 HP Desktop PCs with 3-year warranties.
May 18th Coordinator Phillips met with the new Educational Engagement Liaison from WNIT.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes, May 10, 2022
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Janey Schulte was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by KathrynHayes, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated April 12, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of April Vouchers and Financial Review: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the April 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Director Weston completed the required 11 Month Walkthrough for the Library Expansion Project with the construction firm. There were 27 warranty issues marked on the checklist that needed attention. To date, nine issues have been resolved, with the remainder of the checklist items to be completed in progress.
Personnel: Director Weston requested to fill the vacant Library Coordinator position with a current part-time employee. He sees the need for that position to be full-time due to the responsibilities and work load. The Finance Committee will review how this would impact the budget prior to the next Board Meeting in June.
Policy: None.
Finance: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on June 14, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of May 10th, 2022
Community Services
In-house juvenile displays included “Mossy” books based off of moss creatures created by 2 patrons, the “I Am…” series, Earth & Arbor Day books, “Tik Tok Made Me Read It” still popular as youth & teen displays, and various rotating bin (6) displays. See for current adult in-house book displays.
Our May programming was printed in the Cass County “Neighbors” newspaper. Events and programs will be submitted before the 3rd Friday of every month to appear in the following month’s issue.
Preschool Story Time started in April, recurring Tuesdays at 10:30. Monthly Sensory Story Time starts Saturday, May 14th at 11am.
4/8 the Director did a final walkthrough of the building with representatives from Miller-Davis construction and HBM architects looking for warranty items (27 items found, 9 resolved).
4/20 A1 Refrigeration found gas pressure was too low to the heating unit (unit uses gas to startup and electric to run); they also adjusted the flow rate to the fireplace, replaced the rooftop unit to the bathrooms, and replaced a faulty valve diverting hot water to the toilets. 4/13 EPS tested the alarms and smoke detectors, with the help of Otis elevator. 4/22 Midwest Glass adjusted glass panes (8) that were out of place.
4/21 1st Choice Irrigation prepared the system for this season. Watering will commence early- to mid-May. Erick’s Carpet Cleaning steam cleaned April 4-5th, and staff started monthly descaling of the faucets with vinegar.
$1,498.00 to Haas Systems for alarm monitoring & door access software.
$4,757.86 to Baker & Taylor for annual book leasing service.
$1,124.00 to A-1 Refrigeration for quarterly HVAC maintenance and filter replacements.
4/15 Library closed from 10-12 for staff “Active Shooter” training with Dowagiac Public Safety. We will schedule a second training after developing an Emergency Action Plan.
Director Weston updated the Library Disaster Plan, which can be found behind the 1st floor service desk.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes April 12, 2022
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston; Board member Kurt Reich was absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Mary Ann Bengtsson, seconded by Janey Schulte, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated March 8, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of March Vouchers and Financial Review: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the March 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The Board discussed recent issues with the restrooms on the first floor and how to monitor the use of the restrooms by the general public and Library patrons as a means to keep them tidy and in good working order. Currently, only one restroom is available for use and has been sufficient. The Board discussed the current computer needs for staff and Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the purchase of 10 computers at a cost not to exceed $13,400.00 whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Personnel: Director Weston reported that a new Patron Services Associate has been hired and things are going well!
Policy: None.
Finance: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on May 10, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m., whereupon motion
unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of April 12th, 2022
Community Services
March Library displays for adults included Women’s History Month, YA Books for Adults, and Read the Rainbow. Children’s displays featured Dr. Seuss and the Teen Area featured #BookTok (Tik Tok books).
The adult book clubs featured My Little Michigan Kitchen (Cookbook Club), The Inquisitor’s Tale (tween), first half of The Iliad (Classics), and To Kill a Mockingbird (Read & Share).
The Teen Area featured “March Madness Movies” every Monday, voted on by the teens. Coordinator Phillips completed planning for Teen Tuesday events for April—BINGO, Cooking 101, Arts & Crafts, Black-Out Poetry—and worked with Associate Hart to plan Children’s storytimes (April) and sensory storytimes (May).
A sewage line from the building backed up March 22nd because of a blockage in the pipe connecting the library to the City sewer. The cause was an 8 x 24” clot of paper towels. The library closed at 1pm for cleanup.
A communication error with the alarms took several days to resolve. The system was functioning during this time but an error showed on the EPS Notifier panel because of an issue with the Haas Alarmnet Communicator.
March 21st Semco Gas visit to see why the meter wasn’t reading for February & March. They also checked that gas was flowing properly to the fireplace (it was).
Continuing disclosure report for the building bonds was filed and posted March 31st to (search “Dowagiac District Library” and open the “Financial Disclosures” tab).
93100: $450.45 to Creative Landscaping for lawn and plant bed maintenance (2nd of 5 payments due).
Huntington -97504: $1,983.50 to Pro Safety Innovations for AED and First Aid bag.
Director Weston hired a second PSA candidate to replace the teen shelver position. Welcome, Emma!
March 3rd Director Weston demonstrated at the Dowagiac Rotary Club.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2022
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, Kaye Smith and Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated February 8, 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of February Vouchers and Financial Review: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the February 2022 Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed/discussed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve a quote of $4400.00 for additional electrical items on the 2nd floor whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Personnel: Director Weston updated the Board regarding staff needs/openings/new hire(s)/salaries. Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, to replace the Library Page position with a Patron Services Associate position whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Policy: None.
Finance: Director Weston gave an update on the bond money and the Construction Fund usage. Kay Smith made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to add Library Board member Kurt Reich as a custodian/signer to the Huntington accounts whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on April 12, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m., whereupon motion
unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of March 8th, 2022
Community Services
59 patrons came to the library’s mini-snowman Ice Time event, February 5th from 11-2pm. Children and their caregivers built snowmen with scarves and other decorations provided by the library.
Book clubs this month discussed Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 (Read & Share), John Milton’s Paradise Lost (Classics), and Wilson Rawls’ Where the Red Fern Grows (OMG). Three patrons joined The Super Readers Club (K-12), and Coordinator Amundsen started a cookbook club (Make & Share).
Coordinators Amundsen and Phillips continued to promote new books, displays, and services at the library through video posts on our Facebook account.
Miller-Davis presented a quote for an additional electrical outlet in Children’s and data drops to the two floor boxes on the 2nd floor.
After consultation with the bond attorney and financial advisor it was recommended that money in the construction fund stay there for use in additional building improvements and equipment, and should stay separate from funds to pay on the bond principle and interest.
91000: $304.40 to United States Liability Insurance Company payment on D&O insurance.
97950: $943.22 to WT Cox Information Services for 24 magazine subscriptions.
Coordinator Phillips and Director Weston interviewed three of the candidates for the Patron Services Associate position. Associate Hart started 2/25 and will be working Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
Director Weston attended webinars on the Library of Michigan Financial Guide updates (2/8), Michigan Library Directors update (2/11), MLA Headlee Amendment & Proposal A reform (2/17), SW Michigan Reads 2022 planning (2/22), ThinkSpace directors’ update (2/22), and one in-person meeting for the SW Michigan Coop at the Paw Paw District Library (2/22).
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library Board Meeting Minutes February 8, 2022
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:5lp.m. by Chair Judy Lawrence. Present were Board Members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Janey Schult and Judy Lawrence. Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich and Kaye Smith were absent. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: Motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules made by Mitch Billingham and seconded by Judy Lawrence whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of minutes: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham to approve the Regular Library Board Meeting Minutes dated January 11, 2022 whereupon unanimously carried.
Public Comment: 2021 audit presentation by Brian Hake of Kruggel Lawton began at 6:05 p.m. and adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Approval of January Vouchers and Financial Review: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Judy Lawrence, to approve the January Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director's Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his monthly report.
Committee Reports:
Buildings and Grounds: none
Personnel: Personnel Committee met on January 21 st and decided to hire one more part time staff member for 15-17.5 hours/week@$12/hr.
Policy: Policy will meet to review and discuss closing of library (other than a scheduled Holiday)
Finance: Finance will set up a meeting with Kevin Anderson from the City.
Old Business: none
New Business: Judy Lawrence will check in the spring on restoration of outside light sconces from the original front of library to go back on the new front oflibrary.
Public Comment: none
Next regular Board Meeting: March 8th, 2022 to begin at 6:30 p.m
Adjournment: Motion made by Janey Schulte, seconded by Mitch Billingham to adjourn@ 7:47 Respectfully submitted by Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director's Monthly Report, Board Meeting of February 8th, 2022
Community Services
The Read & Share book club discussed To Kill A Mockingbird on Jan 11th, the Classics book club had an overview of the Greek tragedies, and the OMG tween book club discussed Look Both Ways by Jason Reynolds.
Janice Harpole is the current Art Wall artist. There was an artist's reception in the Community Room Jan 15th.
Study Rooms remain popular with 30 reservations in January & 40 in December. Spectrum Health shot a marketing video in the Community Room, and the 2 adult book clubs have been meeting there as well.
The Super Readers Club had 12 signups in January (averages 3/month).
Director Weston met with Miller-Davis Jan 11,1, to price out running data lines to the teen OPAC and a floor box in the Children's Area. Also looked at an additional wall outlet in Children's.
Midwest Door & Glass replaced the door brushes between the outside double doors of the main entrance.
92000: $1,866.38 to City of Dowagiac & $484.66 to Semco Energy.
Bond: $2,039.00 to Automation Design Entertainment reconciliation for additional audio parts (Construction project).
The Personnel Committee met Jan 21st and decided to hire one more part-time staff member. Director Weston has advertised for a Patron Services Associate for 15-17.5 hours/wk. at $12/hr.
Staff helped collect statistics for the fiscal year 2020-21 State Aid report, compiled by the Director and sent to the Library of Michigan Jan 261h.
Coordinator Amundsen & Assistant Watson completed Novelist Plus training, a Michigan eLibrary platform for reader's advisory services.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library Board Meeting Minutes January 11, 2022
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:40p.m. by Chair Judy Lawrence. Present were Board Members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kaye Smith and Judy Lawrence. Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich and Janey Schulte were absent. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: Motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules made by Mary Ann Bengtsson and seconded by Kaye Smith whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of minutes: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith to approve the Regular Library Board Meeting Minutes dated December 14, 2021 whereupon unanimously carried.
Public Comment: none
Approval of December Vouchers and Financial Review: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the December Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director's Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his monthly report. (see below) The Director also reported a $1000.00 donation given by an anonymous donor.
Committee Reports:
Buildings and Grounds: none
Personnel: Personnel Committee will meet to review and discuss Job reviews and staffing needs.
Policy: Policy Committee will meet to review and discuss closing of library (other than a scheduled Holiday)
Finance: Finance Committee will set up a meeting with Kevin Anderson from the City.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
Public Comment: none
Next regular Board Meeting: February 8th, 2022 to begin at 6:00 p.m. for the yearly audit with regular Board Meeting to begin at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned @ 7:25.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of January 11th, 2022
Community Services
The library staff and Board decorated the entrances and interior of the building for the holidays. Contractor John Vylonis donated his time to install nails for hanging decoration above the Commercial Street entrance.
December 4th Santa and Mrs. Clause came to the Library to ask kids what they wanted for Christmas. Signups continue for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten and the Super Readers Club (see stats).
Artist Sharron Ott displayed new artwork and her book entitled “The Tournament of Magic” in the Library’s Community Room December 18th.
Coordinator Amundsen’s book displays included “All You Need Is Love”, “Winter Wonderland”, and “Best of 2021” for adult fiction & nonfiction books. See the library webpage for current displays.
Computer technician Silvia aligned the latest Windows updates with our patron printing and reservation software, and restored the printing to staff stations as well.
The Library closed at 3pm December 7th for the staff Holiday party, 23rd-25th for the Christmas holiday, and 30th-Jan 1st for New Year’s.
Midwest Glass replaced a window pane in the vestibule of the main entrance and will be back to replace the weeps between the doors with firmer bristles.
Winter revenue arriving from the operating and improvement millages.
92000: $403.42 to Semco Energy for December’s gas bill.
74000: $362.58 to JanWay Company USA for curbside plastic book bags.
Huntington Bond account: $243,603.98 for final payment to Miller-Davis.
Director Weston attended an online meeting 12/16 hosted by the Michigan Library Association concerning recent challenges to books in public libraries.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2021
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present in person were Board members Mary Ann
Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, and Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith; Kurt Reich joined the meeting virtually.
Library Director Matt Weston was also present.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Kaye
Smith, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, for approval of the Regular Board
Meeting Minutes dated November 9, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of November Vouchers and Financial Review: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to
approve the November Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: Director Weston reported that the Staff has done a great job keeping up with revised schedules and picking up extra hours. The Personnel Committee will meet in January to review Job Descriptions and staffing needs.
Policy: None.
Finance: Director Weston stated that he will be looking into the Library’s capital funds and the limitations for reinvesting and/or moving funds and the FDIC coverage for the funds.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Guidelines for closing the Library (other than a scheduled holiday) will be reviewed by the Policy Committee.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on January 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. (Yearly audit at
6:00 p.m. followed by the Board Meeting.)
Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m., whereupon motion
unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report
Board Meeting of December 14th, 2021
Community Services
Toys for Tots signup was in the Community Room November 6th & 20th and also occurring with December 6th visit of Santa & Mrs. Claus in the Children’s Area.
The Ladies Library Association Booksale was Friday & Saturday November 12-13th, with a books-by-the-bag sale Monday the 15th.
Artist Jane Bergman hosted a Fairy Houses program for patrons on Saturday the 20th in The Pokagon Room. The OMG Book Club and Junior Arts Guild also hold meetings in this room.
Gibson-Lewis fixed the flagpole lighting, and Haas installed the additional camera and phone in the Teen Area week of November 22nd. KI Furniture came out to fix rattling in the teen computer table divider, Seagate installed the table in the teen alcove, and the H&H painted the front entrance railings.
EPS conducted the first 6-month fire alarm inspection November 4th. We will have to work with Otis Elevator in the future to allow them into the elevator shaft to test that detector.
Honor CD #333 $1,029,085.37 at 1.110% annual yield.
Library Page Chapman worked her first month shelving and monitoring the Children & Teen areas, and working on projects under the supervision of the Youth Coordinator.
Adult Services Coordinator Ruminer had his last day November 26th. A goodbye lunch was held November 24th. He will be missed by both staff and patrons.
Existing staff have taken on extra hours and duties while the Director and Personnel Committee review position descriptions and staffing options for the Library.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2021
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present in person were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, and Janey Schulte; Mary Ann Bengtsson, Kaye Smith and Kurt Reich joined the meeting virtually. Library Director Matt Weston was also present.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the amended Agenda, which included two items under New Business (a camera purchase/install from Haas and election of officers for 2022) was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for approval of the Regular Board Meeting Minutes dated October 12, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of October Vouchers and Financial Review: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the October Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: None.
Policy: The Policy Committee met on November 1 and submitted four revised Library Policies to the Board for review and approval: Purchasing and Competitive Bid, Financial Separation of Duties, Emergency and Disaster Recovery, and Gifts.
Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, for approval whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Finance: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to approve the engagement letter with Kruggel Lawton for the 2021 audit, whereupon motion unanimously carried. Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve an update to the Building expense budget for lines 91000 and 93100, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of a camera quote from Haas for the Teen Area/Study Room area, whereupon motion unanimously carried. Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to continue the current Board Officers in their positions for 2022, whereupon motion unanimously carried. Chair: Judy Lawrence, Vice-Chair: Mary Ann Bengtsson, Treasurer: Kurt Reich, Secretary: Kathryn Hayes.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on December 14, at 6:30 p.m.
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report
Board Meeting of November 9th, 2021
Community Services
Started dropping off flyers at local businesses listing our monthly events for adults, as well as separate flyers of any special children’s events. We also market events within the library and online via Facebook and our website calendar.
The Read & Share Book Club was held for the first time in the Library’s community room, Oct 12th (5 patrons). Clerk Simoni continues to hold two meetings a month, on the 1st Tuesday at the Cassopolis Council on Aging and the 2nd Tuesday at the Library. Coordinator Phillips led the OMG book club in their first discussion Oct 25th (3 patrons). They read The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
Director Weston dressed as a scarecrow and passed out children’s books and flyers during the Under the Harvest Moon Festival on Front Street. He also represented the Library at the 5th annual Fandom Fest held at the LMC Mendel Center (nine participating libraries).
Coordinator Ruminer represented the Library during the annual Southwest Michigan Writers Conference, at the Niles District Library. Staff from eight area libraries help to organize this event. Local History Librarian Gray attended the Van Buren Regional Genealogical Society monthly meeting Oct 11th.
Carpets were cleaned Oct 11th by Erick’s Carpet Cleaning, and the windows cleaned Oct 15th by Askar Urak.
Triangle Blinds fixed the motor on the broken shade in Children’s, Oct 14th.
Our Paying Agent transferred the Oct 1st interest payment on the Bond Debt Service (see updated schedule).
The Policies Committee met November 1st to review and revise the Purchasing, Disaster Recovery, Financial Separation, and Gift policies.
Library Page Chapman worked her first month shelving and monitoring the Children & Teen areas, and working on projects under the supervision of the Youth Coordinator.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2021
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, and Kaye Smith; Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, and Library Director Matt Weston were absent.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Regular Board and Closed Session Minutes dated September 14, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of September Vouchers and Financial Review: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the September Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: The Board reviewed Director Weston’s Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: Mary Ann Bengtsson and Kathryn Hayes reported that they met with Director Weston to review his yearly evaluation and salary increase on September 28, 2021.
Policy: The Policy Committee will be setting a meeting to review spending limits for the day-to-day operation of the Library and to outline a policy for items that may/may not be purchased and/or displayed in the Library.
Finance: The Board will review the salaries and benefits for all employees to help project a future budget.
Old Business: None.
New Business: The possibility of holding Library Board Meetings via Zoom, instead of in-person, during winter months will be explored.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on November 9, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report
Board Meeting of October 12th, 2021
Community Services
Adult Services Coordinator Ruminer had two “Tech Talk” programs in September (Getting to Know Email). Staff get a lot basic computer questions and we will continue the technology programs to see if we get more participants.
Youth Services Coordinator Phillips has created and posted read-along stories on the display screen in the Children’s Area. She and Director Weston are looking at re-arranging this area to allow for in-person storytimes, as the SPARK! Room is not designed for proper spacing during a pandemic. The Coordinator also had her first meeting of the OMG middle school book club 9/27 in The Pokagon Room (3 patrons).
Patron Services Clerks Watson and Simoni took an inventory of the adult nonfiction collection in late September. The resulting reports will clean up the records in these collections and allow for accurate tracking of items in the collection.
Gibson-Lewis installed the 2x2 ceiling tiles in the first floor entrance and adult main area over the weekend of September 25th.
Erick’s Carpet Cleaning came out to measure square footage for an estimate. Director Weston has scheduled a cleaning for October 11th and will schedule a date for the spring as well.
Armstrong Ceiling Tile credited back $2,361.00 to the library for unused 2x6 tiles.
The Finance Committee met 9/3 to discuss estimated revenue & expenditures for the 2021-22 budget year.
The Personnel Committee met September 28th to discuss current staff positions and cost of living increases.
Director Weston attended the Cass Community Leadership Summit 9/15 at Marion Magnolia Farms.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library
Board Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2021
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith; Mary Ann Bengtsson was absent.
Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for approval of the Minutes dated August 10, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Two residents were present at the meeting and Director Weston gave clarification about the current millage rates. Gary Barton from The Barton Group gave a budget overview for the building expansion project.
Following the Public Comments, Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the Truth in Taxation of the maximum allowable millage rate for fiscal year 2021-2022 whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of August Vouchers and Financial Review: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the August Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve a building insurance quote from the Farm Bureau, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Personnel: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the request to carry over vacation time for the Adult Services Coordinator, whereupon motion unanimously carried. Kathy Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to go into a Closed Session to discuss the Director’s yearly evaluation, whereupon motion carried. The Board went into Closed Session at 6:35 p.m. and reconvened at 6:56 p.m. with all the above members present.
Policy: None.
Finance: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve the proposed budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 with a possible increase in salaries for up to 20 hours a week for a part-time position, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on October 12, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to adjourn the meeting at 7:11 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of September 14th, 2021
Community Services
The 9-week Summer Reading Program (June 21-August 21) came to an end and had 132 participants (70 kids/31 teens/31 adults), which was our best turnout in four years. Caruso’s donated weekly ice cream cone prizes for the kids, Saylor’s a weekly large pizza, and Olympia Books, Baker’s Rhapsody, and Rosy Tomorrows each donated 3 gift certificates for the adults. Our grand prizes were 3 $100 Amazon gift cards, one for each category.
Adult Services Coordinator Ruminer held his first technology program, Having Fun with eBooks, August 17th at 6pm. The library is planning on having two technology programs per month going forward.
Also of note: The Dowagiac Conservation Club sponsored two showings of Nelson’s Wildlife Safari on August 24th. Paintings by Jane Bergman are being featured on the Artist’s Wall next couple of months. The book clubs with the COA are still going strong, with books on loan from the library and led by Associate Simoni. The study rooms had reservations most days in August, including two times when all three were reserved at once.
The correct nonfiction shelving was installed by Library Design August 5th, and the ends and canopies attached August 27th by Gibson-Lewis. Advantage Millworks picked up 2 of the historical cabinets and replaced the locks. Locks are also being replaced on 2 of the 4 patron catalog displays.
Gibson-Lewis installed 46 corner guards and 4 grommets on the OPAC stations August 26th.
Ceiling tiles have an installation date of September 24th-26th (Friday to Sunday).
Capital Project: $2,775.00 to Library Design Associates for increased price of steel for shelving beyond original quote, taken at cost for LDA and minus labor installation.
99500 Outlay Equipment: $2,875.98 to The Library Network for 3 laptops (covered by CARES Act Grant)
99500 Outlay Equipment: $513.43 to The Library Network for receipt printer and barcode scanner.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library Board Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2021
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kurt Reich, and Janey Schulte. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston. Absent were Kathryn Hayes and Kaye Smith.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, for approval of the Minutes dated July 13, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: none
Approval of June Vouchers and Financial Review: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to approve the July Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Approval of the insurance quote from Farm Bureau was tabled until next month. Director Weston will collect another quote or two for comparison.
Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham to approve the additional double railings for the lower steps on the north side of the Library.
Policy: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, to approve the policy revisions made by the Policies Committee during their August 4th meeting.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on September 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. to review the budget for 2021-22.
Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Ann Bengtsson
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of August 10th, 2021
Community Services
July 8th Director Weston and Youth Services Coordinator Phillips met via video members of The Pokagon Band to discuss hosting a watercolors program for teens this summer, and other events going into the fall. Coordinator Phillips worked with the Dowagiac Conservation Club to host the John Ball Zoo at the library for a lizard and invertebrates Meet & Greet, July 16th & 17th.
The Library had a book sale in the Community Room July 16th & 17th during Summer in the City. The book sale made about $600 and cleared out boxes of books from the basement that were left over from the previous sale in 2019. Associate Watson and Director Weston met with LLA President Kathy Johnson to discuss having their group host the next book sale at the library and manage the donations as they arrive.
Associate Simoni hosted the Read & Share book groups at the COA in Dowagiac and in Cassopolis (July 6th & 13th) and discussed The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd. The Great Books of the Western World group met a week later (August 3rd) to discuss Hamlet and Julius Caesar by Shakespeare.
The Library co-sponsored a reception with Blue Dart Art, for local artist Kim Sawyer, in the Community Room on Saturday, July 31st, from 12-2:30. Jeremy Ryan from Diversified Senior Services held a second informational program in the Community Room June 24th. He talked about Medicare A thru D, and Medicaid, to around 20 patrons.
July 15th the Library Pavilion hosted its first performers as part of the Summer Concert Series, during Ed’s Open Header Cruise. Attendees set up their chairs on the lawn in front of the Pavilion (too many to count).
The quotes from Gibson-Lewis for the corner guards (CP115) and first floor ceiling tile replacement (CP114b) were finalized. The library Board decided via email July 23rd that a weekend tile replacement would be less disruptive to patrons and staff.
There is around $350,000 left to pay on construction costs (see summary sheet). Director Weston moved $250,000 into the construction Bond account from the library Improvements account to cover final costs.
The Policy Committee met August 4th to review changes to the Building Use, By-Laws, Circulation, and Community & Study Room policies.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library Board Meeting Minutes
July 13, 2021
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules was made by Kurt Reich, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kurt Reich, for approval of the Minutes dated June 15, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Gary Barton from The Barton Group presented a construction summary which included a budget review, remaining construction projects, and punch-list items.
Kathy Johnson from the Ladies Library Association updated the Board with the LLA’s goal to continue to work with the Library and be a visible part of the local community and enhance the Library’s mission by volunteering, participating with book sales, sponsoring events, and donating funds towards the Library’s yearly ‘wish list’. The Director and the Board thanked Kathy and the LLA for their continued efforts and on-going support.
Approval of June Vouchers and Financial Review: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to approve the June Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to approve the purchase of wall guards to protect the wall corners, whereupon motion unanimously carried. It was noted that the labor estimate to install the wall guards is not included and will be an addition expense.
Personnel: The Board discussed the expectation that all full-time employees are to be working in the building/on-site (not remotely) as a means to keep the building safe and operational on a daily basis and to assist visitors.
Policy: The Board unanimously concurred to table the agenda item Meeting and Study Room Reservation Policy to a later date. Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve moving into Stage 6 of the Re-opening Plan, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Finance: Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to move $2020 into expense line 95607 (Accounting) from 80200 (Contractual), whereupon motion unanimously carried. The Board’s Finance Committee met in July to review a preliminary budget for 2021-22. Director Weston will check into rolling surplus funds from one checking account into another to cover final construction project invoices.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on August 10, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of July 13th, 2021
Community Services
Associate Simoni hosted the Read & Share book groups at the COA in Dowagiac and in Cassopolis (June 1st & 8th) and discussed The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd. The Great Books of the Western World group met June 29th to discuss The Aeneid by Homer.
The Library co-sponsored a reception with Blue Dart Art, for local artist Becky Powell, in the Community Room on Saturday, June 19th, from 12-2:30. Jeremy Ryan from Diversified Senior Services held an informational program in the Community Room June 26th. He talked about Medicare A thru D, and Medicaid, to around 20 patrons.
June 10th & 11th Youth Coordinator Phillips hosted 2 groups of 25 kindergarteners and staff, as well as a group of 5th graders from Justice Gage. She read aloud to them, gave a tour of the new library, and explained the Summer Reading Program.
The Pokagon Room dedication on June 30th included representatives from The Pokagon Fund, The Pokagon Band of the Potawatomie, and the Library Board. The Dowagiac Daily News also covered the event.
Silvercreek Millworks installed the foam and brushes for the historical door edges.
June 2nd A1 Mechanical & Carrier came out to adjust the dampers on the HVAC unit.
June 2nd Battle Creek Tile added tile to the entranceway of the vestibule.
Greenway Lawn Care started regular weekly cuttings this month. Fertilizer may be added later in the summer.
The $527,000 left to pay Miller-Davis for construction costs (see summary sheet) includes allowances & contingency not used.
The Meeting & Study Room Policy, and form, has been revised. Patrons can signup for up to 4 Study Room reservations by filling out the form.
June 9th Haas Systems trained staff in lockdown procedures for the front and main entranceways.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library Board Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2021 *
*The meeting was held one week later that the usual second Tuesday.
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Janey Schulte, and Kaye Smith; Kurt Reich was absent. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules was made by Mitch Billingham, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Minutes dated May 11, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: Kathy Johnson from the Ladies Library Association was present and commented how pleased their organization is with the Library renovations and that they were glad utilize the new meeting room first!
Approval of May Vouchers and Financial Review: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve the May Vouchers, whereupon motion unanimously carried. Following a discussion of the Financial Review, Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, to move funds from 1st Source (improvement funds) to the Huntington (debt service fund), whereupon said motion carried.
Director’s Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his Monthly Report (see below).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: None.
Personnel: None.
Policy: The Board unanimously concurred to table the agenda item to approve an updated Room Reservation Policy until a later date. Additionally, the Board will revisit the pros / cons of having a vending machine at a later date.
Finance: The Board requested that Director Weston get clarification from the auditor and accountant prior to voting on moving funds from Operations into Construction. Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, to move $2829 into 97700 Electronic from 97850 Audio, whereupon said motion carried. The Finance Committee will be meeting in the near future to look at the current budget and to make projections for long-range budget planning.
Old Business: The Board revisited purchasing a new Dowagiac Library sign for the back of the building, but all agreed to keep the current sign.
New Business: Following a review of a COVID-19 Claim from Gibson-Lewis, Janey Schulte made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve said request for payment upon the satisfactory completion of all contracted work Gibson-Lewis needs to do at the Library and said motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on July 13, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of June 15th, 2021
Community Services
May 10th Director Weston led a building tour for the Ladies Library Association, proceeded by a dedication of the children’s Nook, and a May 12th tour for the Lyons Foundation, followed by a dedication of the Fireplace Area.
Associate Simoni hosted the Read & Share book groups at the COA in Dowagiac and in Cassopolis (May 4th & 11th), and discussed She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb.
The Library hosted a Ribbon Cutting followed by the Grand Opening of the library May 15th, 12-3pm. A flag raising ceremony from the Dowagiac VFW and speeches preceded the festivities, as well as the announcement that the library is fine-free going forward. An estimated 75 patrons attended the event.
May 6th Becky Powell was the first artist to be featured on the Art Wall, in the Fireplace Area on the first floor. There will be a reception for her in the Community Room on Saturday, June 19th, from 12-2:30.
A1 Mechanical adjusted the dampers on the Carrier HVAC system (5/13), First Choice Irrigation instruction on the sprinkler system (5/13), vacuums annual maintenance May 3rd and 17th and backpack vacuum purchased.
Historical front doors installed by Silvercreek Millworks May 10th.
$804,000 left to pay Miller-Davis for construction costs (see summary sheet).
$8,525.00 from Huntington Bond acct. to Graphic Sciences, Inc., for new microfilm reader & software.
The Meeting & Study Room Policy has been revised, with some minor changes, after the first month of reservations and usage.
May 5th a representative from Graphic Sciences provided training on the new microfilm reader and software.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library Board Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2021
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present were Board members Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes, Kurt Reich, and Kaye Smith; Mary Ann Bengtsson and Janey Schulte were absent. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Kaye Smith, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, for approval of the Minutes dated April 13, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of April Vouchers and Financial Review: Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to approve the April Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: Kurt Reich made a motion, seconded by Kaye Smith, for the approval of moving into Stage 5: Library Re-opening Plan for Covid-19 Restrictions whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Personnel: None.
Policy: Following a discussion to eliminate library fines, Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to change the procedures for collecting fines and to clear old charges / fines from patron accounts whereupon said motion unanimously carried. Following a discussion regarding closing the library on Saturday, May 29, for an extended Memorial Day holiday weekend for staff, Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, whereupon said motion unanimously carried.
Finance: The Finance Committee will meet in June to review the current budget and to look at financials for long-range budgetary planning.
Old Business: The Board discussed / finalized the schedule for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on May 15, 2021.
New Business: None.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on June 8, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Kaye Smith made a motion, seconded by Kathryn Hayes, to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Respectfully submitted by Kathryn Hayes
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of May 11th, 2021
Community Services
April 29th Director Weston gave the Rotary a tour of the building project thus far (see Daily News article).
The Read & Share book group had two meetings at the Council on Aging- 6 in Cassopolis and 8 in Dowagiac. The Great Books of the Western World group had one meeting with 2 attendees.
April 21st the Library passed all mechanical & electrical inspections, and the final occupancy inspection on the 23rd.
Building closed to the public April 26th-May 1st. Projector setups and TVs installed, hydroseeding sprayed, the rest of the blinds, the front door fob access, and Phase II wireless APs installed. Furniture was delivered on the 23rd and 26th. New shelving delivered and installed and the old shelving repurposed in storage. Pieces for two of the computer tables were missing, and shelving for the adult nonfiction had to be reordered as it did not match the end panels. Phase II side of the building was cleaned and handed over from Miller-Davis April 23rd.
The Barton Group walkthrough was April 22nd, and HBM final walkthrough April 28th.
Board President Lawrence and Trustee Schulte formed a fundraising committee with Director Weston. They met April 5th & 7th to write and distribute fundraising letters to local businesses and residents.
The rest of staff received their 2nd Covid shots April 20th. Everyone had at least some side effects, some worse than others. One staff member was in quarantine with an exposure to a positive family member.
Custodian Larzelere started April 1st at 20 hours a week.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director
Dowagiac District Library Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2021
Call to order: Chair Judy Lawrence called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Present were Board members Mary Ann Bengtsson, Mitch Billingham, Kathryn Hayes (remotely), and Janey Schulte; Kurt Reich and Kaye Smith were absent. Also present was Library Director Matt Weston.
Approval of Agenda and Ground Rules: A motion to approve the Agenda and Ground Rules was made by Kathryn Hayes, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes: Mitch Billingham made a motion, seconded by Mary Ann Bengtsson, for approval of the Minutes dated March 9, 2021, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of March Vouchers and Financial Review: Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to approve the March Vouchers and Financial Review, whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Director’s Report: Director Weston presented and reviewed his Monthly Report (see attached).
Committee Reports:
Building and Grounds: The Board discussed plans for the Library’s grand opening and tours. The Ribbon Cutting will be Saturday, May 15, 2021 at noon and groups will be sent invitations to tour the library at specific times during the week of May 10-14, 2021. Kathryn Hayes made a motion, seconded by Mitch Billingham, to approve the closure of the Library the week of April 26 for FF&E, to move materials, and to organize the new settings, whereupon motion unanimously carried. Director Weston presented possible options for a new sign at the south entry; the Board concurred to table this agenda item at this
Personnel: None.
Policy: None.
Finance: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Judy Lawrence and Janey Schulte have sent donation request letters to businesses and a similar letter will be sent to residents and Library stakeholders.
Public Comment: None.
Next Regular Board Meeting: The next Regular Board Meeting will be held on May 11, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Mary Ann Bengtsson made a motion, seconded by Janey Schulte, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m., whereupon motion unanimously carried.
Dowagiac District Library
Director’s Monthly Report, Board Meeting of April 13th, 2021
Community Services
Associate Simoni gathered, documented, and turned in the Family Fare slips for $1,000 towards future patron requests.
The Library has partnered with the Council on Aging to form the “Read and Share” book group, at both the Dowagiac and Cassopolis locations. Associate Simoni is leading the group. The first book to be discussed will be She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb.
The Library has ordered 500 canvas book bags, 250 masks, and library cards with the new logo on them from 269 Apparel in Dowagiac. The bags will be handed out during Grand Opening Week.
Youth Services Coordinator Phillips interviewed with Leader Publications for an article about the Library’s National Poetry Month contest.
The Hot Picks rental collection has increased from a rotating collection of 100 to 220 titles in anticipation of expanded shelving for these and the New Books collection.
The Library has contracted with A-1 Mechanical for the maintenance of the Carrier HVAC system.
Grass will be seeded by April 19th and green by mid-May.
88000: $835.00 to Leader Publications for Built Together ad in Horizons Magazine.
93100: $1,050 to New Leaf Landscapes for plowing and shoveling for January & February.
Huntington -97504: $8,000 to City of Dowagiac for 3 months electric related to renovation project.
2 employees quarantined for COVID exposures. Both tested negative and have returned to work.
All staff will be fully vaccinated by the end of April. Vaccinations were completely voluntary.
Respectfully yours,
Matt Weston, Director